magistrsko delo
Žan Jerman (Author), Gorazd Planinšič (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je predstavljen razvoj aktivnosti s hladilniškimi magneti pri pouku fizike. Aktivnost je bila zasnovana na podlagi pristopa ISLE (znanstvenoraziskovalno učno okolje, angl. investigative science learning environment), ki je eden izmed najbolj učinkovitih pristopov za poučevanje fizike. Pristop temelji na razvijanju znanstvenih sposobnosti, ki jih današnji trg dela pričakuje od mladih. Te spodobnosti so tiste, ki jih pri svojem delu uporabljajo profesionalci (raziskovalci) kot na primer delo v skupini, predlaganje lastnih hipotez, predlaganje poskusov, ki hipoteze preverjajo in sodba na podlagi primerjave izida poskusov s podano hipotezo. Za razvijanje teh sposobnosti izvajalci pristopa ISLE pri pouku uporabljajo t.i. aktivnosti. Aktivnost je premišljeno zasnovana naloga, kjer učenci na aktiven način pridobivajo znanje. Pri tem utrjujejo že usvojeno znanje, uporabljajo različne reprezentacije ter samostojno in fizikalno smiselno pridejo do razlage kompleksnih fizikalnih pojavov. Aktivnost je osredotočena na magnetno strukturo vsakdanjega »pripomočka« - hladilniškega magneta ter na polje, ki ga povzroča okoli sebe. Prvotno zasnovana aktivnost je bila testirana na več različnih testnih skupinah. Po prvotnem testiranju je bila opravljena temeljita analiza ter primerjava rezultatov med različnimi testnimi skupinami. Analiza je bila podlaga za izoblikovanje smernic, ki bodo služile za nadaljnje izboljšave ter nadaljnje testiranje aktivnosti.


hladilniški magneti;poučevanje fizike;znanstvenoraziskovalno učno okolje;študija primera;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Publisher: [Ž. Jerman]
UDC: 37.091.3:53
COBISS: 159183619 Link will open in a new window
Views: 18
Downloads: 5
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Research based development of the activity with refrigerator magnets
Secondary abstract: This master's thesis presents the development of activities with refrigerator magnets in physics classes. The activity was designed based on the ISLE (investigative science learning environment) approach, which is one of the most effective approaches for teaching physics. The approach is based on developing the scientific skills that today's labor market expects from young people. These skills are those used by professionals (researchers) in their work, such as working in a group, proposing one's own hypotheses, proposing experiments that test those hypotheses, and making judgments based on comparing the results of experiments to a given hypothesis. To develop these skills, the teachers who use the ISLE approach use so-called activities. An activity is a thoughtfully designed task where students acquire knowledge in an active, non-traditional way. In doing so, they consolidate already acquired knowledge, use different representations, and independently come to a physically feasible explanation of complex physical phenomena. The activity developed in this work is focused on the magnetic structure of an everyday "tool" - a refrigerator magnet, and on the magnetic field it creates. The originally designed activity was tested on several different test groups. After the initial testing, a thorough analysis and comparison of the results between the different test groups was carried out. The analysis was the basis for creating guidelines that will serve for further improvements and further testing of the activity.
Secondary keywords: refrigerator magnets;teaching physics;ISLE;case study;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za matematiko in fiziko, Oddelek za fiziko
Pages: 68 str.
ID: 19565711