Pavle Jović (Author)


V prispevku smo analizirali slovnice in literarnozgodovinska dela slovenskih izobražencev v 19. stoletju, v katerih je zapisano ime prvega slovenskega slovničarja, Adama Bohoriča. Po spregledanosti v 17. in 18. stoletju so slovenski preporoditelji iz Zoisovega kroga (Kopitar 1808; Vodnik 1809; Primic 1814) na začetku 19. stoletja osvežili spomin nanj. Avtorji prvih slovnic 1824-1858 (Dajnko 1824; Murko 1832; Muršec 1847; Potočnik 1849; Majar 1850; Potočnik 1858), ki so bili rimskokatoliški duhovniki, niso upoštevali protestantske tradicije in zasluge prvega slovenskega slovničarja. Od leta 1854 dalje pa so slovenski literarni zgodovinarji, ki so se izoblikovali na Dunaju pri Miklošiču (Janežič 1854; Marn 1861; Macun 1863; Levec 1871/1872; Kleinmayr 1881; Marn 1883; Glaser 1894; Štrekelj 1899), priznavali prvenstvo Bohoričeve slovnice.


slovenščina;slovenske slovnice;slovnice;16. st.;19. st.;Bohorič;Adam;1520-1598;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 811.163.6'36'1854":929Bohorič A.:930.85(497.4)"19"
COBISS: 62803042 Link will open in a new window
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The paper analyses the grammars and literary historic works of Slovene intellectuals in the 19th century, which include the name of first Slovene grammarian Adam Bohorič. In the early 19th century Slovene revivers of the Zois circle (Kopitar, Vodnik, Primic) revived the memory of the first Slovene grammarian. The Catholic priests who wrote the first Slovene grammars in the 19th century (1824-1858) - Dajnko (1824), Murko (1832), Muršec (1847), Potočnik (1849), Majar (1850) and Potočnik (1858) - ignored the Protestant tradition and Bohorič's merit. However, from the summer of 1854 onwards, the first Slovene literary historians, who studied Slavic Studies under Miklošič at Vienna University, valued the Protestant tradition and mentioned Bohorič as the author of the first Slovene grammar: Janežič (1854), Marn (1861), Macun (1863), Levec (1871/1872), Kleinmayr (1881), Marn (1883), Glaser (1894) and Štrekelj (1899).
Secondary keywords: Slovenian language;Slovene grammars;grammar;16th century;19th century;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: Str. 363-368
ID: 19565776