magistrsko delo
Karin Jesenko (Author), Klemen Potočnik (Reviewer), Mojca Simčič (Mentor)


Oplemenjena bovška ovca je nastala z namenom izboljšanja proizvodnih lastnosti avtohtone bovške ovce. Bovško ovco so oplemenjevali z vzhodnofrizijskimi ovni. Oplemenjena bovška ovca je mlečna pasma, zato je mlečnost pri tej pasmi najpomembnejša proizvodna lastnost. Poleg mlečnosti je zelo pomembna tudi dobra plodnost, medtem ko ima rastnost jagnjet nekoliko manjši pomen. Glava oplemenjena bovške ovce je velika, neporaščena in brez rogov, ušesa so štrleča in slabo poraščena. Noge so močne in niso poraščene z volno. Rep je srednje dolg in poraščen z dlako. Izbrali smo osem tropov ovc in v vsakemu smo izmerili 10-15 ženskih živali. Vse izmerjene živali so bile rojene med leti 2012-2019. Merili smo višino vihra in križa, globino prsi, širino križa, dolžino telesa od vihra do sednice, dolžino telesa od prsnice do sednice, obseg prsi, obseg piščali, obseg repa, dolžino repa in dolžino ušes. Poleg izmerjenih lastnosti smo zabeležili tudi opisne lastnosti: poraščenost repa, dolžina repa glede na skočni sklep, pozicija ušes, poraščenost ušes, barva volne, oznake na glavi in rogatost. Višina križa izmerjenih ovc je v povprečju znašala 70,2 cm, višina vihra 70,5 cm, globina prsi 34,5 cm, širina križa 20,9 cm, dolžina telesa od vihra do sednice 69,6 cm, dolžina telesa od prsnice do sednice 81,2 cm, obseg prsi 94,1 cm, obseg piščali 8,1 cm, obseg repa 10,5 cm, dolžina repa 34,6 cm in dolžina ušes 14,2 cm. Indeks telesnega okvirja izmerjenih ovc je znašal 115,3, indeks višine 100,5, indeks globine prsi 49,9, indeks razvitosti prsnega koša 133,6, indeks razmerja med obsegom piščali in obsegom prsi 8,6, indeks konformacije 126,6 in indeks relativnega obsega piščali 11,4.


ovce;pasme;oplemenjena bovška ovca;značilnosti;telesne mere;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [K. Jesenko]
UDC: 636.3(043.2)
COBISS: 161043715 Link will open in a new window
Views: 32
Downloads: 8
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Body measurements and characteristics of improved Bovec sheep
Secondary abstract: The Improved Bovec sheep was created to improve the production traits of the indigenous Bovec sheep. The Bovec ewes were crossbred with East Friesian rams. The Bovec sheep is a dairy breed and milk yield is the most important production trait. In addition to milk yield, good fertility is also very important, while lamb growth is of somewhat lesser importance. The head of the Improved Bovec sheep is large, without wool and hornless, the ears are plane and not very hairy. The legs are strong and not covered with wool. The tail is of medium length and covered with hair. Eight flocks of sheep were selected, and 10-15 ewes were measured in each flock. All measured animals were born between 2012 and 2019. Wither height, rump height, chest depth, rump width, body length from wither, body length from sternum, chest girth, cannon bone girth, tail girth, tail length, and ear length were measured. In addition to the measured traits, descriptive traits were also recorded: tail hair, tail length in relation to the hock, ear position, ear hair, wool colour, head marks and horns. The average rump height was 70.2 cm, wither height was 70.5 cm, chest depth was 34.5 cm, rump width was 20.9 cm, body length from withers to rump was 69.6 cm, body length from sternum to rump was 81.2 cm, chest circumference was 94.1 cm, cannon bone girth was 8.1 cm, tail girth was 10.5 cm, tail length was 34.6 cm and ear length was 14.2 cm. The body frame index of the measured ewes was 115.3, height index 100.5, breast depth index 49.9, chest development index 133.6, the chest ratio index 8.6, conformation index 126.6 and relative chest girth index 11.4.
Secondary keywords: sheep;breeds;improved Bovec sheep;characteristics;body measurements;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko, Magistrsko delo magistrskega študijskega programa 2. stopnje Znanost o živalih
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 44 str.))
ID: 19646337