magistrsko delo
Andreja Zabukovec (Author), Andrej Ovca (Reviewer), Mojca Jevšnik (Mentor), Stanka Grebenc (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Degustacije spadajo med improvizirano ponudbo živil in so eden od načinov uvrščanja le-teh na trg. Osnovni namen je predstavitev in s tem ponudba živila širši javnosti. Izvajajo se lahko v različnih predstavitvenih okoljih. Ponudba živil v obliki degustacij v zakonodaji ni specifično definirana. Izvajanje degustacij tako zaradi načina izvedbe predstavlja več možnih dejavnikov tveganj glede varne ponudbe živila končnemu potrošniku. Namen: Namen raziskave je med izvajalci degustacij analizirati znanje o higieni in varnosti živil, čistost rok izvajalcev degustacij in čistost pribora ter površin, ki jih uporabljajo pri delu. Metode dela: V prvem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda, s katero smo analizirali ter pregledali obstoječo domačo in tujo literaturo. V drugem delu smo s pomočjo opazovalne in eksperimentalne študije, pridobili podatke, ki smo jih analizirali in s tem pridobili odgovore na zastavljena vprašanja. Analizirali smo vprašalnik o higieni živil, ki je vključeval 33 vprašanj pred/po usposabljanju, opazovalno listo z različnimi vsebinskimi sklopi opazovanja pred/po usposabljanju ter skupno odvzetih 99 brisov na snažnost med delovnim procesom pred/po usposabljanju (60 brisov rok, 39 brisov delovnega pribora). Rezultati: Pri analizi vprašalnika pred usposabljanjem pri obeh skupinah ugotovimo povprečno znanje o higieni živil 72,2 %. Po usposabljanju ugotovimo, da se znanje o higieni živil v 1. skupini poveča na 87,7 % ter v 2. skupini na 91,2 %. Pri primerjavi obeh skupin po usposabljanju ugotovimo skladnejše vedenje z načeli dobre higienske prakse, in sicer znotraj obeh skupin lahko potrdimo statistično razliko (p = 0,001). Medtem, ko statistične razlike med skupinama po usposabljanju ne moremo potrditi (p = 0,155). Pri brisih na snažnost rok ugotovimo po usposabljanju manj neskladnih vzorcev (10 %) kot pred usposabljanjem (20 %). Pri brisih na snažnost delovnih pripomočkov/pribora pa ugotovimo več neskladnih vzorcev po usposabljanju (10 %) kot pred usposabljanjem (5,3 %). Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo na pomanjkljivo usposobljenost degustatorjev in ponudnikov improvizirane ponudbe hrane na vseh ravneh. Rezultati poudarijo potrebo po vzpostavitvi ustreznih higiensko tehničnih pogojev ne glede na lokacijo ponudbe živil ter opomnijo na vsa spremljajoča priporočila za varno ravnanje z živili. Samo celovita obravnava področja izvajanja degustacij lahko poda izhodišča za varno ponudbo živil končnemu potrošniku.


magistrska dela;sanitarno inženirstvo;ulična prehrana;potrošniki;varnost hrane;higiena živil;ulični prodajalci hrane;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [A. Zabukovec]
UDC: 614
COBISS: 161843715 Link will open in a new window
Views: 39
Downloads: 12
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of food hygiene implementation in the field of tastings
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Tastings are one of the improvised ways of marketing food products, the main purpose of which is to present and thus offer the food to the general public. They can take place in a variety of presentation settings. The presentation of food in the form of tastings is not defined in the legislation. The conduct of tastings therefore presents several potential risk factors with regard to the safe supply of the food to the final consumer, due to the way in which they are carried out. Purpose: The aim of the survey is to analyse the knowledge of food hygiene and safety among tasting providers, the cleanliness of tasting providers' hands and the cleanliness of utensils and surfaces used in the work. Methods: In the first part a descriptive method was used to analyse and review the existing Slovene and foreign literature. In the second part, an observational and experimental study was used to obtain data, which were analysed accordingly to answer the questions posed. We analysed a food hygiene questionnaire including 33 pre/post-training questions, an observation sheet with different pre/post-training observation topics and a total of 99 swabs taken for cleanliness during the pre/post-training work process (60 hand swabs, 39 swabs of work utensils). Results: When analysing the questionnaire before the training, we find an average knowledge of food hygiene of 72.2% in both groups. After the training, we find that the knowledge of food hygiene increases to 87.7% in group 1 and to 91.2% in group 2. When comparing the two groups after the training, we find a more consistent behaviour with the principles of good hygiene practice, and we can confirm a statistical difference within the two groups (p=0.001). Meanwhile, we cannot confirm a statistical difference between the two groups after the training (p=0.155). For hand swabs, we find fewer non-compliant samples after training (10%) than before training (20%). For swabs for work utensils/accessories, we find more non-compliant samples after training (10%) than before training (5.3%). Discussion and conclusion: The results indicate a lack of training of tasting providers and improvised food service providers at all levels. The results highlight the need to establish appropriate hygienic and technical conditions regardless of the location of the food service and remind them of all the accompanying recommendations for safe food handling. Only a comprehensive treatment of the area of tasting can provide a starting point for a safe food offer to the final consumer.
Secondary keywords: master's theses;sanitary engineering;street food;consumers;food safety;food hygiene;street food vendors;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za sanitarno inženirstvo
Pages: 110 str., [13] str. pril.
ID: 19653644