magistrsko delo
Janja Ramšak (Author), Suzana Kraljić (Mentor)


Magistrska naloga obravnava tematiko zdravnikove pojasnilne dolžnosti in pacientove informirane privolitve v slovenskem zdravstvu ter izbranih pravnih redih. Predmet obravnave je odnos med zdravnikom in pacientom, v katerem ključno vlogo predstavljata komunikacija med udeleženima subjektoma ter soglasje pacienta v samem procesu zdravljenja. Zdravnikova pojasnilna dolžnost je tista, ki pacientu predstavlja ključ do razumevanja njegovega zdravstvenega stanja, medicinskih postopkov in tveganj, ki jih le-ti s seboj prinašajo. Temelj za pacientovo informirano privolitev pa sestoji iz jasne, razumljive in pacientu prilagojene komunikacije. Pojasnilna dolžnost in informirana privolitev sta urejeni v Zakonu o pacientovih pravicah. Pojasnilna dolžnost predstavlja izziv za marsikaterega zdravnika, predvsem zaradi pomanjkljivega razumevanja pacientov, pravne negotovosti, velikokrat pa se znajdejo tudi v časovni stiski in z omejenimi viri zdravstvenega sistema. Zato na tem področju vidim še veliko prostora za izboljšave v smislu dodatnega izobraževanja zdravnikov na področju komunikacije, z namenom izboljšanja in podajanja informacij, ki so pacientu razumljive. Prav tako pa je potrebno okrepiti zavedanje pacientov, da mora njihov odnos z zdravnikom temeljiti na sodelovanju in da so tudi oni tisti, ki igrajo pomembno vlogo v procesu zdravljenja. Informirana privolitev je namreč ključna za zagotavljanje pacientove avtonomije in spoštovanje njihovih osebnih stališč ter odločitev. Pravilna komunikacija in spoštovanje pacientove informirane privolitve sta dejavnika, ki lahko pozitivno vplivata na rezultat zdravljenja, prav tako pa bi njuna krepitev bistveno prispevala k izboljšanju zdravstvene oskrbe ter zadovoljstva pacientov. V zadnjem času smo priča velikim prebojem na področju informacijske tehnologije in digitalizacije. Pospešen razvoj lahko nedvomno pripišemo nedavnemu obdobju pandemije Koronavirusa, zaradi katerega smo bili postavljeni pred številne izzive. Še posebej na področju zdravstva, kjer je bilo potrebno zagotoviti nemoteno izvajanje storitev, kolikor je bilo to le mogoče. Okoliščine takratnega časa pa so med drugim sprožile tudi velike premike na področju umetne inteligence. Slednja bi lahko začrtala povsem nove smernice in pristope v izvajanju pojasnilne dolžnosti zdravnikov ter sprejemanju informirane privolitve pacientov.


varstvo pacientovih pravic;pojasnilna dolžnost;informirana privolitev;pacientova avtonomija;pacientova pravica do obveščenosti;odnos med zdravnikom in pacientom.;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [J. Ramšak]
UDC: 342.7:614.25(043.3)
COBISS: 163828739 Link will open in a new window
Views: 8
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: From clear words to better health: analysis of doctor's duty to inform and patient's informed consent in slovenian healthcare
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis addresses the topic of a physician's duty to inform and a patient's informed consent in the Slovenian healthcare system and selected legal systems. The focus is on the doctor-patient relationship, in which communication between the parties and the patient's consent play a crucial role in the treatment process. The duty to provide explanations by physicians is the key to patients' understanding of their health condition, medical procedures, and associated risks. The foundation for informed consent lies in clear, understandable, and patient-centered communication, as regulated by the Patient Rights Act. Fulfilling the duty to provide explanations poses challenges for many physicians, primarily due to patients' limited understanding, legal uncertainties, time constraints, and limited resources within the healthcare system. Therefore, there is considerable room for improvement in terms of additional education for physicians in communication skills to deliver information that patients can comprehend. Similarly, it is essential to raise awareness among patients that their relationship with the doctor is based on collaboration and that they play a crucial role in the treatment process. Informed consent is vital for ensuring patient autonomy and respecting their personal beliefs and decisions. Proper communication and respect for informed consent are factors that can positively influence treatment outcomes, while strengthening them would significantly contribute to improving healthcare provision and patient satisfaction. In recent times, we have witnessed significant breakthroughs in information technology and digitization. The accelerated development can undoubtedly be attributed to the recent Coronavirus pandemic, which presented numerous challenges. Particularly in the healthcare sector, where the goal was to ensure the uninterrupted provision of services as much as possible. The circumstances of that time have also triggered significant advancements in the field of artificial intelligence. The latter could potentially chart new directions and approaches in fulfilling physicians' duty to provide explanations and obtaining informed consent from patients.
Secondary keywords: patient rights protection;duty to inform;informed consent;patient autonomy;patient's right to information;doctor-patient relationship.;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Source comment: Sistemske zahteve: Acrobat reader
System comment: Sistemske zahteve: Acrobat reader
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (70 str.))
ID: 19656678