diplomsko delo
Tina Glazer (Author), Darja Pavlič (Mentor)


Poznavalci literarnega kanona lahko kaj hitro ugotovijo podobnosti med delom Michaela Cunninghama z delom Virginie Woolf. Njegov roman Ure je na prvi pogled nekakšna razširitev njenega romana Gospa Dalloway. Vendar pa samo prepoznavnost istih oseb in dogodkov ni dovolj, da lahko sodimo neko delo za nadaljevanje drugega. Čeprav je Michael Cunningham brez sramu v nekaterih intervjujih povedal, da je uporabil roman Gospa Dalloway kot nekakšno osnovo za svoje pisanje, je potrebno poiskati med romanoma še druge podobnosti in ne samo tiste, ki temeljijo na vsebinski povezanosti. Kot osnova za raziskovanje je postavljeno vprašanje o naslonitvi Michaela Cunninghama na roman Virginie Woolf pri pisanju romana Ure in v kakšni meri se ta navezava kaže. Ali temelji podobnost med romanoma samo na vsebini ali lahko vzporednice najdemo tudi drugje? Cunningham se je sprva zatekel k romanu Virginie Woolf po snov za svoje novo delo. V mladosti je skušal prebrati roman Gospa Dalloway, vendar pa takrat še ni bil dovolj zrel, da bi doumel resnično vrednost romana. Ko je zaključil svoj tretji roman, se je usmeril k Virginii Woolf. Najprej je razmišljal, da bi preprosto prepisal roman Gospa Dalloway, nato je razmišljal o nekakšnem nadaljevanju romana, v katerem bi imel glavno vlogo dvainpetdeset letni homoseksualec, ki živi na Manhattnu in bi tako izpostavil sprejetost homoseksualcev v sodobni družbi. Potem pa je, po triletnem raziskovanju in ustvarjanju, nastalo delo, s katerim sem se ukvarjala. Cunningham je roman Virginie Woolf uporabil kot osnovo za nov roman, vendar pa ga ni preprosto prepisal ali nadaljeval, ampak je zgodbo razširil, teme posodobil ter like in zgodbo umestil v drug svet in oblikoval po zahtevah sodobnega časa. Uporabil je tudi pripovedne postopke, značilne za roman Virginie Woolf oziroma moderni roman sploh. Pričujoče diplomsko delo je razdeljeno v dva dela. V prvem delu so predstavljene teoretične predpostavke, ki služijo kot osnova za analizo v drugem, praktičnem delu. Ob dela, tako teoretični kot del z analizo, sta razdeljena prav tako na dva dela. Primerjava dela Michaela Cunninghama z delom Virginie Woolf ne temelji samo na vsebini, ampak je bilo raziskovanje usmerjeno v kategorije, ki niso tako zelo očitne na prvi pogled. Oba romana vsebujeta značilnosti modernega romana in iskala sem tiste, ki se pojavljajo v obeh. Prva in najbolj značilna lastnost je uporaba toka zavesti, ki je izražen s polpremim govorom. Pripovedovalec se iz vsevednega spremeni v pripovedovalca, ki lahko svojo vednost spreminja glede na potrebe. Fokalizator je lahko združen s pripovedovalcem ali pa tudi ne, od njega je odvisen kot gledanja na dogajanje. Objektivni čas in prostor se v modernem romanu umakneta subjektivnemu. Skozi raziskovanje sem skušala odgovoriti na vprašanja, ki so se mi porajala ob že nekajkratnem branju obeh romanov, pri tem pa sem se naslonila na razprave literarnih kritikov, ki so problem, tako kot jaz, videli v podobnostih med romanoma. Bralec Cunninghamovega romana lahko utemeljeno domneva, da si je avtor roman Virginie Woolf kot predlogo za svoj roman prisvajal in se nanj skliceval zavestno in s tem računal, da bo bralec te navezave zmožen prepoznati in jih interpretirati kot ubeseditveno strategijo. Takšno sprejemalno predpostavko spodbujajo stavki iz samega besedila in splet dejavnikov iz njegovega sistemskega okolja. Pri tem je pomembna tudi bralčeva razgledanost, medbesedilna zmožnost in njegova seznanjenost z besedilnim kanonom.


angleška književnost;romani;Cunningham, Michael;Woolf, Virginia;medbesedilnost;tok zavesti;fokalizacija;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Glazer]
UDC: 821.111(043.2)
COBISS: 18863112 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2872
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The intertextual analysis of the novels "The Hours" by Michael Cunningham and "Mrs. Dalloway" by Virginia Woolf
Secondary abstract: Specialists for a literary canon can quickly identify similarities between the work of Michael Cunningham and the work of Virginia Woolf. His novel "Hours" seems to be some kind of extension of her novel Mrs. Dalloway. However, only the recognition of the same persons and events is not enough to judge the second novel as an extension. Although Michael Cunningham in some interviews shamelessly said that he used the novel Mrs. Dalloway as a kind of basis for his writing, it is necessary to find other similarities between these two novels, not just those based on conceptual coherence. As a basis for exploring is the question of reclination from the novel "Hours" by Michael Cunningham on the novel of Virginia Woolf and to which extent this affiliation is being showed. Is the similarity of the novels based only on the content or can some parallels be found elsewhere? Cunningham has initially resorted to the novel by Virginia Woolf to gain materials for his new work. In his youth he tried to read the novel Mrs. Dalloway but at that time he was not mature enough to grasp the true value of the novel. When he finished his third novel, he guided himself to Virginia Woolf. First he thought about simply to overwrite the novel Mrs. Dalloway but then he thought about the continuation of the novel, where an fifty-two year old homosexual guy, who lives in Manhattan would have the main role, what would point out the acceptance of homosexuals in the contemporary society. Then, after three years of researching and creating the result was a novel, with which I was busy with. Cunningham used the novel of Virginia Woolf as a basis for a new novel however it is not simply copied or continued. He expended the story, updated the themes and placed the characters and the story in another world, formed it according to the requirements of modern period. He used the narrative procedures that are specific for the novel by Virginia Woolf or for the modern novels in general. The presented diploma is divided into two parts. The first part presents the theoretical assumptions that serve as a basis for an analysis in the second, practical part. Both parts, the theoretical as well as practical, are also divided into two parts. The comparison between the novel of Michael Cunningham and the novel of Virginia Woolf is not based only on the content, but the exploration was focused on categories that are not so obvious at first glance. Both novels contain characteristics of a modern novel and I was searching for those that appear in both novels. The first and most characteristic feature is the use of the stream of consciousness which is expressed by a narrative monologue. The omniscient narrator changes into a narrator that may vary according to needs. Focalisation may be combined with the narrator or not, from which depends the viewing angle on the performance. The objective time and space in the modern novel withdraw the subjective. Through the research I have tried to answer the questions that occurred to me when reading the novel for several times, while I have leaned on the discussions of literary critics, who saw a problem, like myself, in the similarities between the two novels. The reader of Cunningham's novel can reasonably assume that the author took the novel of Virginia Woolf as a template for his own novel and refer to it consciously and he counts on that, that the reader will be able to recognize these connections and interpret this as a verbalized strategy. Such an initiated assumption is encouraged by phrases in the text itself and the combination of factors in its systematic environment. At this point it is also important the reader's knowledge, his intertextual ability and his familiarity with the textual canon.
Secondary keywords: intertextuality;intertextual phenomena;the modern novel;stream of consciousness;focalisation;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovanske jezike in književnosti
Pages: 79 f.
Keywords (UDC): language;linguistics;literature;jezikoslovje;filologija;književnost;literature;književnost;literatures of individual languages and language families;književnost posameznih jezikov;literature of germanic languages;germanske književnosti;english literature;angleška književnost;
ID: 19728