diplomsko delo
Lucija Žganec (Author), Jože Vauhnik (Mentor)


Danes skoraj vsi poklici zahtevajo delo z računalniki, računalnik je postal nepogrešljiv del izobraževanja. Sedeč način življenja in nepravilno prehranjevanje prinašata neželene posledice na telesnem in gibalnem področju človeka, posledice so vse bolj vidne tudi na telesnem in gibalnem razvoju otrok in mladine. Kažejo se v povečani telesni teži in debelosti, sistematične spremljave telesnega in gibalnega razvoja kažejo, da so ti negativni trendi opazni predvsem pri najmlajši starostni stopnji od 7. do 11. leta. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti vlogo, smisel in uporabnost športno vzgojnega kartona v šolski in športni praksi. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika smo želeli priti do nekaterih splošnih temeljnih informacij, iz katerih bi bilo razvidno, kakšna so stališča učiteljev, učencev in staršev do športno vzgojnega kartona; koliko so učenci, starši, učitelji in športni klubi seznanjeni z njegovo temeljno nalogo, uporabnostjo in vsebinsko strukturo. Spoznati smo želeli, kako podatke ugotovljenega stanja izkoriščajo športni klubi pri vključevanju otrok v selektivni proces tekmovalnega športa in kakšna je informiranost staršev o telesnem in gibalnem razvoju svojih otrok. V računalniško obdelavo podatkov je bilo vključenih 112 učencev in njihovih staršev iz 5 osnovnih šol ter 32 razrednih učiteljev. V raziskavo so bili vključeni tudi športni klubi, ki z opaznim napredkom delujejo na območju koroške regije. Raziskava je bila narejena s pomočjo dveh anketnih vprašalnikov, in sicer vprašalnika za učitelje ter vprašalnika za učence in starše, na katerem je bilo razvidno, kaj rešijo učenci in kaj starši. Informacije o klubih smo pridobili z obiskom na njihovih ustanovah ali po telefonskem pogovoru.


športna vzgoja;karton;gibalni razvoj;telesni razvoj;značilnosti;sposobnosti;starši;učenci;učitelji;športni klubi;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Žganec]
UDC: 796(043.2)
COBISS: 18888200 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2982
Downloads: 261
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Almost every occupation nowadays requires working with computers; the computer has also become an indispensable part of education. Sedentary position and improper nutrition are causing adverse effects on physical and motor aspect of human lives. The consequences of such lifestyle are increasingly reflecting also on physical and motor development of children and youth. These adverse effects are reflected in the increased body weight and obesity, moreover, the systematic accompaniment of physical and motor development suggests that these negative trends are observed mainly in the youngest age level from the seventh to eleventh year. The purpose of the study was to determine the role, the meaning, and the usefulness of the sports education chart in school and sports practice. With the use of a questionnaire, we wanted to highlight some basic information about the attitude of teachers, pupils and parents towards the sports education chart; especially, how many pupils, parents, teachers, and sports clubs are acquainted with its fundamental goal of usability and content structure. The research goal was to find out if the sports clubs use the results of the sports education chart in the selective process of enrolling children in the competitive sports activities. Not only that, the secondary goal was to see, if the parents are informed with the physical and motor development of their children. 112 pupils and their parents from five primary schools and 32 classroom teachers were included in the computerized data processing. The survey also comprised the sports clubs that operate in the Carinthia region, achieving significant progress. The survey was conducted using two questionnaires; firstly the questionnaire for teachers, and secondly the questionnaire for pupils and parents. The later was set in a way that it was clear, what to be completed by the parents and what by the pupils. The information about the sports clubs were collected personally at their sites or by telephone.
Secondary keywords: KEYWORDS: sports education chart;motor development;physical development;physical characteristics;motor abilities;parents;pupils;teachers;sports clubs;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 127 f., [10] f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): the arts;recreation;entertainment;sport;umetnost;razvedrilo;zabava;šport;recreation;entertainment;games;sport;razvedrilo;zabava;igre;šport;sport;games;physical exercises;šport;športne igre;telesne vaje;
ID: 19738