diplomsko delo
V tej diplomi so predstavljeni trenutni trendi digitalizacije, najbolj zanimivi za proizvodno
industrijo. Diploma je osredotočena na industrijo 4.0, internet stvari, digitalne dvojčke,
umetno inteligenco in na koncu še na pametno tovarno, ki je skupek vseh teh digitalnih
rešitev. Skupno vsem je optimizacija delovnih procesov celotnega podjetja. Vsaka od teh
rešitev ima svoje prednosti, predstavljeni pa so tudi potencialni problemi, na katere lahko
naleti podjetje, ko se odloči za digitalizacijo. Slednji se nanašajo predvsem na visoke
stroške uvajanja digitalizacije, ki ne zagotavljajo povrnitve investicije. Predstavljeni
trendi digitalizacije so aplicirani na podjetje SMM iz Maribora. Predstavljene so prednosti
in slabosti le teh na dotičnem podjetju. Podjetje SMM trenutno dosega dober nivo
digitalizacije. Ugotovljeno je, da v tem trenutku nadaljnje investicije v digitalizacijo niso
potrebne, saj se jim vložena sredstva ne bi povrnila.
digitalizacija;industrija 4.0;internet stvari;digitalni dvojček;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering |
Publisher: |
[A. L. Cvikl] |
UDC: |
658.52.011.56:004.8(043.2) |
Views: |
169 |
Downloads: |
19 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Overview of current trends in the digitalization of the manufacturing and a comparison with the manufacturing of the company SMM |
Secondary abstract: |
This thesis covers the current trends of digitalization, which are the most notable for the
production industry. The main points are industry 4.0, internet of things, digital twins,
artificial intelligence and finally smart factory which is culmination of these digital
solutions. The common theme is optimization of the company’s work processes. Each
one of these solutions has its benefits and potential downfalls a company may face when
deciding to digitize. Both are discussed. The problems mostly refer to the high cost of
digitalization without a guarantee for a return on the investment. The discussed trends
are applied to the company SMM based in Maribor. The pros and cons are presented in
relation to the company. SMM is currently achieving a good level of digitalization. It is
found that further investment in digitalization at this time is not necessary, as it would
likely not make back the invested money. |
Secondary keywords: |
digitalization;industry 4.0;internet of things;digital twins; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Proizvodne tehnologije in sisitemi |
Pages: |
1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 24 f.)) |
ID: |
19762814 |