doktorska disertacija
Sandra Jordan (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Če želijo podjetja ostati konkurenčna na trgu se morajo aktivno ukvarjati z digitalizacijo procesov in poiskati procese v podjetjih, ki so zamudni in jih nadomestiti z digitalnimi različicami, hkrati pa poskrbeti, da proces ustreza vsem potrebnim standardom in zakonom. Karna (2016) opredeljuje poslovni proces kot niz dejavnosti s specifičnim vložkom na začetku in rezultatom na koncu procesa. Nadalje digitalizacijo poslovnega procesa definira kot pretvorbo niza analognih vhodov in izhodov procesa v elektronske ali digitalne ter navaja, da sta za uspeh ključna jasna vizija in natančno opredeljen strateški načrt. V splošnem digitalizacija pomeni podporo poslovnemu procesu s pomočjo razpoložljivih informacijskih tehnologij (Toman, 2018). Ensiger s soavtorji (2016) vidijo digitalizacijo predvsem kot podporo za doseganje višje učinkovitosti, boljše dobičkonosnosti in produktivnosti ter kot pomoč pri zniževanju stroškov poslovanja. Koščak (2017) pravi, da je namen digitalizacije odpraviti ponavljajoče se naloge zaposlenih in jim tako omogočiti opravljanje nalog, ki so ključne za poslovanje podjetja. Organizacija Ernst & Young (2021) poudarja, da digitalizacija procesov ponuja nove načine in priložnosti za podjetja/banke in s tem konkurenčno prednost pred drugimi. Pomembno vlogo pri digitalni transformaciji imajo poslovne informacijske rešitve, s katerimi podjetja digitalizirajo svoje poslovne procese in delovne tokove. Najpomembnejše poslovne informacijske rešitve, ki se izvajajo v podjetjih, so (Sternad Zabukovšek idr., 2020): rešitve ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), rešitve CRM (Customer Relationship Management), rešitve SCM (Supply Chain Management), DMS (Document Management System), rešitve BPM (Business Process Management), rešitve HRM (Human Resource Management), rešitve MES (Manufacturing Execution System) itd. Klasično upravljanje dokumentov ne more slediti potrebam trga, če želimo imeti agilno in sodobno podjetje. Zato morajo podjetja zaposlenim ponuditi rešitev, ki jim bo omogočala skrbno hranjenje in arhiviranje dokumentacije, hkrati pa jim dati dovolj časa za opravljanje glavnih dnevnih nalog. DMS ni le praktična programska aplikacija, ampak omogoča predvsem digitalizacijo poslovnih procesov. Podjetja, ki uporabljajo DMS imajo sledeče prednosti: implementirajo digitalne procese, avtomatizirajo poteke dela, omogočijo odločitve, ki temeljijo na podatkih, povečajo učinkovitost in prilagodljivost ter zagotovijo podatkovno in pravno varnost (Easy Software, 2020). Kot vsi vemo, upravljanje dokumentov ne vpliva le na delovne tokove v podjetjih, prihranke in prilagajanje potrebam trga, ampak vpliva tudi na okolje (Docxellent, 2019). Vpliv proizvodnje papirja in uporabe papirja v vsakdanjem poslovanju je v preteklih letih zelo obremenil okolje. Zato je uporaba DMS danes že skoraj obvezna programska oprema vsakega podjetja, če želi biti konkurenčno na trgu in je zagotovo dober korak v pravo smer. Dognanja iz teoretičnega dela in empirične raziskave bodo podjetjem omogočila boljšo pripravo na uvedbo DMS (upoštevajoč zrelost, KDU, stopnjo družbene odgovornosti in trajnostnega razvoja), naprednejšo uporabo DMS ter s tem višjo učinkovitost in uspešnost podjetij, kakor tudi zaprla vrzel glede delno uspešnih oziroma neuspešnih uvedb DMS.


zrelost podjetja;kritični dejavniki uspeha;digitalizacija;dokumenti;dokumentarni sistemi;upravljanje dokumentov;DMS;KDU;družbena odgovornost;trajnostni razvoj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: S. Jordan
UDC: 005.92:004(043.3)
COBISS: 174136323 Link will open in a new window
Views: 27
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact analysis of critical success factors and maturity of a company on the life cycle of document management system
Secondary abstract: If companies want to remain competitive on the market, they must be actively engaged in the digitization of processes and find processes in companies that are time-consuming and replace them with digital versions, while at the same time make sure that the processes meet all the necessary standards and laws. Karna (2016) defines a business process as row of activities with a defined input and a result at the end of the process. He further defines business process digitization as the conversion of inputs and outputs of the process into digital ones and states that a clear vision and a well-defined strategic plan are crucial for success. In general, digitization means to support business processes by using available information technologies (Toman, 2018). Ensiger et al. (2016) defines digitization primarily as support tool to achieve better efficiency, higher profitability, and productivity, and as help to reduce business costs. Koščak (2017) points out that the main purpose of digitization is to enable employees to perform tasks that are key for the company’s performance and eliminate those that are repetitive. The organization Ernst & Young (2021) points out that digitization of processes enables companies’ new ways, at the same time it also offers a competitive advantage over other companies. Business information solutions, with which companies digitize their business processes and workflows, play an important role in digital transformation. According to Sternad Zabukovšek et. al. (2020), the most important business information solutions implemented in companies are: ERP solutions (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM solutions (Customer Relationship Management), SCM solutions (Supply Chain Management), DMS (Document Management System), BPM (Business Process Management) solutions, HRM (Human Resource Management) solutions, MES (Manufacturing Execution System) solutions, etc. Classic DMS cannot keep up with the market needs if companies would like to stay agile and moderate. Therefore, companies have to offer employees a solution, which would enable them to store and archive documentation carefully, while giving them enough time to perform their basic daily tasks. DMS primarily enables digitalization of business processes and is not just a practical software application. Companies, which use DMS have the following advantages: implementation of digital processes, automatization of workflows, enabled data-driven decisions, increased efficiency and flexibility, and data and legal protection (Easy Software, 2020). As we know, document management doesn’t affect just business workflows, adaptation to market needs and savings, it also has an effect on the environment (Docxellent, 2019). The impact of paper production and the use of paper in everyday business has put a heavy burden on the environment over the years, and it is high time to take care of it. The use of DMS is almost mandatory software tool for every company if it wants to be competitive on the market and certainly a good step in the right direction. Findings from the theoretical work and empirical research will enable companies to better prepare for the implementation of DMS (considering maturity, CSF, level of social responsibility and sustainable development), more advanced use of DMS and higher efficiency and effectiveness of companies, as well as close the gap regarding partially successful or unsuccessful DMS implementations.
Secondary keywords: DMS;CSF;company maturity;social responsibility;sustainability.;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 7, 218 str., 11 str. pril.
ID: 19804108