diplomsko delo visokošolskega študijskega programa Varnost in policijsko delo
Adriana Dejak (Author), Miroslav Žaberl (Mentor)


Kaznivo dejanje posilstva je eno hujših kršitev temeljnih človekovih pravic, ki se obravnava po 1. odstavku 170. člena Kazenskega zakonika – 1. V danem diplomskem delu se skozi šest raziskovalnih vprašanj odvija razplet celotne študije primera kazenske ovadbe kaznivega dejanja posilstva mladoletnega oškodovanega dekleta, katere storilec dejanja je znana oseba. V študiji primera je zajet celoten postopek kazenske ovadbe, ki zajema vse podrobnosti o predkazenskem in kazenskem postopku. Za lažje razumevanje primera je študija razdeljena po logičnih in sledečih si poglavjih, ki opisujejo ter razlagajo primer. Delo je razdeljeno na analizo predkazenskega postopka – ta vključuje opis dela policije in usmerjanje državnega tožilca v primeru; ter analizo kazenskega postopka, ki je, razumljivo, bistveno daljša, zahtevnejši in obširnejša. V njej se je potrebno poglobiti na delo, ki ga opravi državni tožilec v ovadbi, na samo sodno preiskavo, vključiti je potrebno tudi izvedenstvo in ga analizirati po vsakem danem mnenju; in kako le to vpliva na ovadbo in zaključek tega postopka. Obdelati je bilo potrebno še glavne obravnave, ki so bile zastavljene med primerom kot predmet razsodbe. Velik del zaključnega dela, ki se ga je naloga želela dotakniti, so posledice in pečat, ki jih tako hudo poseganje v temeljne človekove pravice prinesejo žrtvi kaznivega dejanja. V delu se analizira tudi vpliv kazenskega postopka, psihične in druge posledice ter spopadanje s strahom, za katere se v delu izrazi mnenje o kritični izkušnji s strani žrtve same.


mladoletnice;oškodovanke;kaznivo dejanje posilstva;predkazenski postopki;obdolženi;izvedenstvo;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: [A. Dejak]
UDC: 343.1:343.541(043.2)
COBISS: 161625603 Link will open in a new window
Views: 22
Downloads: 13
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Case study on the crime hearing on rape of a minor in pre-trial and criminal proceedings
Secondary abstract: The crime of rape is one of the most serious violations of fundamental human rights, which is dealt with under Article 170/1 of the Penal Code - 1. In the present thesis, the unravelling of the entire case study of the criminal charge of rape of a minor victim girl, the perpetrator of which is a known person, unfolds through the red thread of six research questions. The case study covers the entire criminal complaint process, including all the details of the pre-trial and criminal proceedings. To make the case easier to understand, the study is divided into logical and sequential chapters that describe and explain the case. For ease of understanding, the work is divided into an analysis of the pre-trial process - this includes a description of the work of the police and the prosecutor's guidance in the case; and an analysis of the criminal proceedings, which is understandably much longer, more complex and more extensive than the preceding one - in the latter we look at the work done by the public prosecutor in the indictment, the judicial investigation itself, I also include the expert evidence and analyse it according to each of the opinions given and how they influenced the indictment and, to conclude this process, we also look at the main hearings that were held during the case as the subject of the verdict. A large part of the final part that we wanted to touch on is the consequences and the mark that such a serious violation of fundamental human rights brings to the victim of crime. The impact of the criminal proceedings, the psychological and other consequences and the coping with fear are also analysed in the work, for which the victim herself also gives her opinion on the critical experience in the work.
Secondary keywords: Posilstvo;Najstnice;Kazenski postopek;Metoda primera;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: V f., [56] str.
ID: 19818199
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