magistrsko delo
Jaka Kos (Author), Bojan Ačko (Mentor), Duško Uršič (Mentor), David Kralj (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu je obravnavano vodenje kakovosti z uporabo metod in orodji zagotavljanja kakovosti na izbranem izdelku podjetja ETI Elektroelement d. o. o. Cilj dela je bil preučiti izdelek in proces izdelave, identificirati morebitne napake in predlagati izboljšave, ki bi pripomogle k izboljšanju kakovosti proizvodnje. Prav tako so v magistrskem delu predstavljene teoretične osnove metod in orodji, s katerimi se je izvajala analiza kakovosti izdelka in procesa izdelave. Praktični del magistrskega dela se osredotoča na prikaz izvedbe izbranih metod in orodji za zagotavljanje kakovosti v proizvodnji izdelka. V diskusiji so razloženi pridobljeni rezultati, ki opravičujejo smotrnost in uporabo izvedenih metod in orodji za izboljšavo kakovosti procesov in proizvodov, kar zajema tudi sledenje odstopanj, odkrivanje napak, njihovo analizo in odpravo ter implementacijo izboljšav.


vodenje kakovosti;statistični nadzor proizvodnih procesov;meritve;upravljanje tveganj;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [J. Kos]
UDC: 005.6:658.562(043.2)
COBISS: 169183747 Link will open in a new window
Views: 116
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Application of methods and tools for quality assurance in planning and controlling processes
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis deals with quality management using quality assurance methods and tools on a selected product of the company ETI Elektroelement d. o. o. The aim of the thesis was to study the product and the manufacturing process, identify possible defects and propose improvements that would help to improve the quality of production. The master's thesis also presents the theoretical basis of the methods and tools used to analyse the quality of the product and the manufacturing process. The practical part of the master's thesis focuses on the demonstration of the implementation of selected methods and tools for quality assurance in product production. The results obtained are explained in the discussion, which justify the appropriateness and use of the implemented methods and tools for improving the quality of processes and products, which also includes the tracking of deviations, the detection of errors, their analysis and elimination, and the implementation of improvements.
Secondary keywords: quality management;statistical control of production processes;measurements;risk management;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za strojništvo, Gospodarsko inženirstvo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XI, 61 f., A pril. ))
ID: 19832402