magistrsko delo
V magistrskem delu obravnavam tematiko zagotavljanja glasu otrok priseljencev v procesu vključevanja v slovensko osnovno šolo. Zanima me, kako poteka sam proces vključevanja v določeno osnovno šolo v Sloveniji, kako se posamezni sodelujoči vključujejo v proces, kakšni so rezultati vključevanja in kakšni so predlogi za izboljšave, predvsem pa me zanima, kako je na vsakem koraku procesa vključevanja upoštevan glas posameznega učenca priseljenca. V teoretičnem delu najprej opredelim osnovne pojme o priseljevanju v Slovenijo, nato opredelim zakonske predpise in pristope k vključevanju otrok priseljencev, opredelim še vlogo in delo šolske svetovalne službe ter vzpostavljanja odnosov z učenci, na koncu pa opredelim pomen zagovorništva in načine upoštevanja otrokovega glasu v procesih podpore in pomoči oziroma sodelovanja na šoli. V empiričnem delu predstavim rezultate kvalitativne raziskave, ki sem jo zasnovala kot študijo primera ene osnovne šole, v katero sem vključila posamezne skupine sodelujočih v procesu vključevanja otrok priseljencev (šolske svetovalne delavke, učitelje, učence priseljence, starše in zunanje sodelavce). Sodelujoče sem izbrala s pomočjo neslučajnostnega vzorca (glede na ustreznost vloge in razpoložljivost) in z njimi izvedla deset intervjujev. Rezultati tematske kvalitativne raziskave kažejo, da je proces vključevanja otrok priseljencev v slovensko osnovno šolo zahteven proces, kjer so pred izziv postavljeni vsi sodelujoči – učenci (priseljenci in drugi) in vsi zaposleni. Slednji se pri svojem delu v osnovi opirajo na smernice in vodila za vključevanje, vendar si delo v veliki meri organizirajo sami na podlagi lastnih prepričanj, vrednot in izkušenj ter odnosa z otrokom priseljencem. Vsi sodelujoči, tudi otroci, sicer izpostavljajo dobre medsebojne odnose, vendar izpostavljajo tudi veliko ovir za učinkovito vključevanje. Med glavnimi ovirami je neznanje slovenskega jezika, premalo dodatnih ur pomoči, premalo medsebojnega sodelovanja zaposlenih, predvsem s starši, ki so pogosto izključeni iz procesa, pa tudi težave pri organizaciji dela in neustrezno zastavljen vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem nasploh (na primer Smernice). Izpostavljajo tudi nekatere predloge za uspešnjejše vključevanje za naprej, kot na primer več sodelovanja, konkretneje opredeljene smernice, učenje slovenskega jezika za otroke priseljence pred vstopom v šolo kot tudi obvezen tečaj slovenskega jezika za njihove starše. Otrokov glas se skozi rezultate pokaže kot upoštevan s strani vseh sodelujočih, ki menijo, da ugodno vpliva na uspeh učencev priseljencev kot tudi na dobro vključevanje med sovrstnike.
migracije;otroci priseljenci;vključevanje;vzgoja in izobraževanje;glas otroka;osnovna šola;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work |
Publisher: |
[V. Ledinek] |
UDC: |
376-054.72 |
Views: |
508 |
Downloads: |
35 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
The voice of immigrant children in the process of inclusion in a Slovenian elementary school - a case study |
Secondary abstract: |
In my master's thesis, I discuss the topic of ensuring the voice of immigrant children in the process of inclusion in a Slovenian elementary school. I am interested in exploring how the process of inclusion into a certain elementary school in Slovenia takes place, how individual participants are included in the process, what are the results of inclusion and what are the suggestions for improvements. Above all I am interested in how the voice of the individual immigrant student is taken into account at each step of the integration process. In the theoretical part, I first define the basic concepts of immigration to Slovenia, then I define the legal regulations and approaches to the inclusion of immigrant children, I also define the role and work of the school counseling service and the establishment of relationships with students, and finally I define the importance of advocacy and ways of taking the child's voice into account in the processes of support and help at school. In the empirical part, I present the results of a qualitative study that I designed as a case study of one elementary school, in which I included individual groups of participants in the process of inclusing immigrant children (school counselors, teachers, immigrant students, parents and external colleagues). I selected the participants using a non-random sample (based on the relevance of the role and availability) and conducted ten interviews with them. The results of the thematic qualitative study show that the process of including immigrant children into Slovenian elementary schools is a demanding process, where all participants - students (immigrants and others) and all employees are challenged. In their work, employees rely on guidelines and guidelines for inclusion, but they largely organize their work themselves, based on their own beliefs, values and experiences, and their relationship with the immigrant child. All participants, including children, show good mutual relations, but they also show many obstacles to effective integration. Among the main obstacles are ignorance of the Slovenian language, insufficient additional hours of help, insufficient mutual cooperation of employees, especially with parents, who are often excluded from the process, as well as difficulties in organizing work and an inadequately designed educational system in general (for example, Guidelines). They also point out some suggestions for more successful integration in the future, such as more cooperation, more concretely defined guidelines, Slovene language education for immigrant children before entering school, as well as a mandatory Slovene language course for their parents. Through the results, the child's voice is shown to be taken into account by all participants, who believe that it has a beneficial effect on the success of immigrant students as well as on good integration among peers. |
Secondary keywords: |
migration;immigrant children;educational system;child's voice;elementary schools; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo |
Pages: |
120 str. |
ID: |
19872197 |