diplomsko delo
Ajša Trako (Author), Janez Podobnik (Mentor), Peter Kmecl (Co-mentor)


V okviru diplomske naloge je obravnavan avtomatiziran način obdelave spletnih naročil. V Laboratoriju za robotiko je postavljeno testno okolje, ki zajema trgovinsko polico s predmeti in izdelki, ki jih lahko najdemo v trgovinah. Izdelki so med seboj podobnih oblik in različnih velikosti. Nalogo lahko razdelimo na tri dele: obdelava naročila, pobiranje izdelkov z robotom ter odlaganje izdelkov v škatlo. Prvi korak predstavlja oddajo naročila. Ta je možna s pomočjo grafičnega vmesnika, ki vsebuje razpoložljive izdelke. Robot je začel izvajati nalogo tako, da se je premaknil iz začetne lege proti izdelku na polici, pobral izdelek in ga odložil v škatlo. Za izvajanje naloge smo uporabili sodelujočega robota UR5e. Na vrhu robotskega manipulatorja je nameščeno vakuumsko prijemalo. Pri pobiranju je pomembno, da vemo, kje na polici se določen izdelek nahaja in koliko izdelkov je naročenih. Na koncu je robot lahko postavil izdelke na točno določeno mesto v škatli, ki se je nahajala ob robotskem manipulatorju. Od velikosti tega prostora je odvisno, koliko izdelkov je možno hkrati odložiti. Ko robot izvaja nalogo, je pomembno, da ne pride do neželenih stikov z drugimi predmeti v okolju. Da smo dosegli opisano delovanje, smo pripravili tri programe. Grafični uporabniški vmesnik in glavni program, ki je povezava med vmesnikom in robotom, sta napisana v programskem jeziku Python. Program, ki je določeval gibanje robota in manipulacijo z vakuumskim prijemalom, je bil napisan s pomočjo grafičnega uporabniškega vmesnika Polyscope, ki se uporablja za programiranje robotov proizvajalca Universal Robots. Vsi trije programi se izvajajo istočasno. Vzpostavljena je komunikacija med njimi, za pošiljanje podatkov v realnem času, ki so potrebni za nadaljevanje gibanja robota in izpisovanja statusa naročila v vmesniku. Testiranje izvedbe naloge je narejeno večkrat s ciljem odpravljanja napak v delovanju. Na koncu, pri testiranju je bilo oddano naročilo, GUI je prikazoval status naročila, robotski manipulator pa je pobiral in odlagal izdelke v škatlo. V primeru, da določenega izdelka ni bilo mogoče pobrati, je bil v GUI-ju izpisan vzrok za to. S tem smo preverjali kako je robotski manipulator sledil napisanem programu.


roboti;UR5e;spletna naročila;prijemala;pobiranje;grafični uporabniški vmesniki;maloprodaja;univerzitetni študij;Elektrotehnika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Trako]
UDC: 007.52(043.2)
COBISS: 163040771 Link will open in a new window
Views: 82
Downloads: 26
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Robot for online order fulfilment
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with automated online order processing. A test environment was created in the Laboratory of robotics, consisting of a store shelf with items and products that can be found in retail shops. The products are of similar shapes, but different sizes. The task was divided into three important parts: processing of the order, picking up the products with the robot and putting the products in the box. The first step involved placing the order. This was possible through a graphical interface containing the available products. The robot would start the task by moving from a starting position towards the product on the shelf, picking up the product and placing it in the box. A UR5e collaborative robotic manipulator was used to perform the task. A vacuum gripper would be placed on top of the robotic manipulator. When picking, it was important to know where on the shelf a particular product was located and how many products have been ordered. Finally, the robot carefully arranged the products in a specific space in a box located near the robotic manipulator. The size of this space determined how many products can be put away at the same time. When the robot was carrying out the task, it was important that there would be no unwanted contact with other objects in the environment. In order to execute the described task, three programs were made. The graphical user interface and the main program, which was the interface between the interface and the robot that was written in the Python programming language. The program that controlled the robot’s motion and the manipulation of the vacuum gripper was written using the Polyscope graphical user interface, which is used for programming robots from Universal Robots. The three programs are executed concurrently. Communication is established between them to send real-time data that is needed to continue the robot’s motion and to display the status of the order in the interface. Testing of the task was carried out several times with the aim of correcting malfunctions. Finally, when testing, an order is placed, the GUI displayed the status of the order, the robotic manipulator picked and put the products in the box. If a particular product could not be picked, the GUI displayed the reason. This was used to test how the robotic manipulator followed the written programme.
Secondary keywords: robot;UR5e;order;gripper;picking up;product;graphical user interface;retail;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000313
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Pages: XII, 41 str.
ID: 19872230
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