magistrsko delo
Žana Erznožnik (Author), Urša Golob (Mentor)


Družbe po svetu se v zadnjih letih soočajo s porastom dezinformacij, kar ogroža legitimnost in stabilnost obstoječih družbenih sistemov. To se neposredno tiče tudi podjetij, sploh tistih, ki želijo biti družbeno odgovorna. Njihova ekonomska uspešnost in obstoj sta namreč odvisna od konteksta, v katerem delujejo. Poleg tega podjetja prek oglaševanja predstavljajo pomembne financerje dezinformacij, nekatera pa o svoji družbeni odgovornosti poročajo zavajajoče. Čeprav gre za aktualno in pomembno problematiko, znanstvenih prispevkov o dezinformacijah v povezavi z družbeno odgovornostjo podjetij (DOP) še ni veliko. Tudi zato sem v magistrski nalogi raziskala, kakšen je presek med temama in kako v kontekstu dezinformacij na novo misliti DOP. Ugotovila sem, da gre pri zavajajočem komuniciranju o DOP, na primer pri zelenem zavajanju, simbolični konformnosti in strojnem zavajanju, v bistvu za tipe dezinformiranja. Iz tega izhaja, da lahko pri raziskovanju in teoretiziranju zavajajočega komuniciranja DOP črpamo tudi iz literature s področja dezinformacij. Ugotovila sem, da dezinformacije vplivajo na vse štiri ravni družbene odgovornosti, ki jih je v enem najbolj znanih in citiranih modelov DOP, svoji piramidi, definiral Carroll. Strnjene ugotovitve sem grafično predstavila v modelu DOP v kontekstu dezinformacij, v katerem imajo osrednjo vlogo etične odgovornosti, s poudarkom na grajenju zaupanja.


dezinformacije;družbena odgovornost podjetij;komuniciranje družbene odgovornosti;zaupanje;Carroll;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [Ž. Erznožnik]
UDC: 005.35(043.2)
COBISS: 164434691 Link will open in a new window
Views: 40
Downloads: 7
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Corporate social responsibility in the age of disinformation
Secondary abstract: In recent years, societies around the world have been faced with an increase in disinformation, which threatens the legitimacy and stability of existing social systems. This also directly concerns companies, especially those that want to be socially responsible. Their economic performance and existence depends on the context in which they operate. Companies are also important funders of disinformation through advertising and some of them misleadingly report on their social responsibility. Although it is a current and important issue, there are still not many scientific contributions on disinformation in connection with corporate social responsibility (CSR). This is why in my master's thesis I researched what the intersection between the two topics is and how to rethink CSR in the context of disinformation. I found that misleading communication about CSR, such as greenwashing, symbolic conformity and machinewashing, are essentially types of disinformation. From this it derives that we can also draw from the literature in the field of disinformation when researching and theorizing misleading CSR communications. I found that disinformation affects all four levels of social responsibility defined by Carroll in one of the most famous and quoted CSR models, his pyramid. I presented the summarized findings graphically in the CSR model in the context of disinformation, in which ethical responsibility plays a central role, with an emphasis on building trust.
Secondary keywords: disinformation;CSR;CSR communication;trust;Carroll;Tržno komuniciranje;Družbena odgovornost podjetij;Etika;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 80 str.
ID: 19876342