diplomsko delo
Niko Kučiš (Author), Aleš Podgornik (Mentor)


Za diplomsko delo sem sintetiziral poliHIPE polimere, to so visokoporozni polimeri, ki sem jih naredil s fotoiniciirano radikalsko polimerizacijo HIPE emulzije. HIPE emulzije so emulzije, ki morajo vsebovati vsaj 74,05 volumskih % notranje faze. Z modifikacijo recepture lahko sintetiziramo poliHIPE z različnimi poroznostmi, sam sem sintetiziral 80 % poliHIPE. Same polimere lahko modificiramo tudi po polimerizaciji, da dosežemo lastnosti, ki so primerne željeni uporabi, jaz sem jih modificiral z nanocelulozo. Sintetizirane poliHIPE sem testiral na HPLC sistemu, da sem se prepričal, kateri vzorci so primerni za nadaljnjo modifikacijo z nanocelulozo. Po nalaganju nanoceluloze na vzorce, sem jih še enkrat testiral na HPLC sistemu in meril tudi pH prehode, ter primerjal rezultate s predhodnimi meritvami. S pomočjo meritev sem preučeval, če se nanoceluloza na poliHIPE sploh veže, ter ali pride do adsorpcije oziroma kemijske vezave in ne zgolj do delne zamašitve por.


HIPE emulzije;poliHIPE materiali;nanoceluloza;tekočinska kromatografija visoke ločljivosti;HPLC;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publisher: [N. Kučiš]
UDC: 678(043.2)
COBISS: 167954947 Link will open in a new window
Views: 33
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Highly porous flowable functional polymers
Secondary abstract: I synthesized polyHIPE polymers for my bacherol’s thesis, which are highly porous polymers made through photoinitiated radical polymerization of HIPE emulsion. HIPE emulsions are emulsions that must contain at least 74,05 % by volume of the internal phase. By modifying the recipe, we can synthesize polyHIPE with different porosities. I synthesized 80 % polyHIPE. The polymers themselves can also be modified after polymerization to achieve properties for desired applications. I modified them with nanocellulose. I tested the synthesized polyHIPE using HPLC system to determine which samples are suitable for further modification with nanocellulose. After loading nanocellulose onto the samples, I tested them again using HPLC system, including pH transitions, comparing the results with previous measurements. Through these analyses, I wanted to evaluate whether nanocellulose binds to polyHIPE and if the binding is chemical or adsorption and not just partial blockage of pores.
Secondary keywords: polyHIPE;nanocellulose;HPLC;Polimeri;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000372
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, UNI Kemijsko inženirstvo
Pages: 37 str.
ID: 19896691