magistrsko delo


Magistrsko delo obravnava poslovanje ljubljanskega škofa Tomaža Hrena (1597/99–1630) z gornjegrajskimi podložniki na začetku sedemnajstega stoletja. Preučuje predvsem preplet škofovske vloge s funkcijo zemljiškega gospoda. Analiziramo obsežno arhivsko gradivo, shranjeno v treh arhivih v Avstriji in Sloveniji, kot so sodni procesi gornjegrajskega gospostva, Hrenovi koledarji, Hrenova podložniška dnevnika in temeljni urbar gornjegrajskega gospostva z začetka 17. stoletja. Rezultati kažejo na močno vpetost Hrena v vodenje in nadzorovanje gospostva ter na njegovo obsežno osebno poslovanje z gornjegrajskimi podložniki, v raznolikih pravno, gospodarsko in družbenozgodovinskih kontekstih. Primeri obravnavanih tem so škofovo izvajanje in vodenje patrimonialnega sodstva, njegovo prizadevanje za boljši vpogled v gospodarsko osnovo podložnih kmetij, soočanje s kmečkim uporom v letih 1602–1607, delovanje na področju dajatev, urejanje posestnih vprašanj, poročnih zadev, njegov odnos do skrbi za starejše in njegovo soočanje z domnevno žalitvijo s podložniške strani.


zemljiški gospod;zemljiško gospostvo;škof;Tomaž Hren;agrarna zgodovina;Gornji Grad;Zgornja Savinjska dolina;zgodnji novi vek;bolonjska magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Ošep]
UDC: 94(497.4)"16"
COBISS: 167973123 Link will open in a new window
Views: 96
Downloads: 20
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Bishop Tomaž Hren's dealings with subjects of the seigneury of Gornji Grad/Oberburg
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis examines the dealings of the Bishop of Ljubljana Tomaž Hren (1597/99– 1630) with the subjects of the Seigneury of Gornji Grad/Oberburg at the beginning of the seventeenth century. It primarily examines the intertwining of Hren’s role of a bishop with his function of the landlord. We analyse extensive archival material, held in three archives, two in Slovenia and one in Austria, such as judicial records of the Seigneury of Gornji Grad, Hren's calendars and two registers regarding his subjects, as well as the rent-roll of the Gornji Grad Seigneury from the early 17th century. The research findings show a strong involvement of Hren in the management and control of the seigneury and the extensivity of his personal dealings with the Gornji Grad subjects in various legal, economic, and social-history contexts. The topics addressed include Hren's exercise of patrimonial jurisdiction, his efforts to gain better insight into the economic situation of the farms of his subjects, his confrontation with the peasant revolt in the years 1602–1607, his dealing with feudal dues and property issues as well as marriage matters, his care for the elderly, and his treating an alleged insult from one of his subjects.
Secondary keywords: landlord;seigneury;bishop;Tomaž Hren;agricultural history;Gornji Grad/Oberburg;Upper Savinja Valley;early modern period;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 107 str.
ID: 19909054
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