diplomsko delo
Nejc Ažman (Author), Rajko Bernik (Mentor), Zalika Črepinšek (Thesis defence commission member), Filip Vučajnk (Thesis defence commission member)


Samonakladalne prikolice so eden najpomembnejših členov pri spravilu s travnikov. Med seboj se razlikujejo v dimenzijah in načinu izvedbe pehal (verižna, nihajna in krožna pehala). Namen diplomske naloge je bil, na podlagi podatkov iz eksperimenta, ugotoviti razliko v porabi goriva in časa pri različnih delovnih hitrostih pobiranja. Naknadno smo izračunali tudi časovno in površinsko storilnost ter nakladalni pretok krme. Poskus smo izvedli v letu 2022 na travniku med naseljema Kokrica in Mlaka pri Kranju, v sredini maja pri prvi košnji. Pri poskusu smo uporabljali samonakladalno prikolico z rotorjem. Merili smo količino porabljenega goriva in časa med pobiranjem pri delovnih hitrostih pobiranja 4,5; 6 in 7,5 km/h ter posebej tudi pri prevozu in razkladanju. Meritve pri pobiranju krme smo za vsako delovno hitrost izvedli v dveh ponovitvah, ostale meritve v treh ponovitvah. Stehtali smo tudi maso naložene krme. Nastavitve traktorja in samonakladalne prikolice so bile ves čas poskusa enake. Porabo goriva in časa za prevoz in razkladanje smo izmerili in jo v povprečni vrednosti vzeli, kot enoten parameter za izračune storilnosti. Poraba goriva na uro (l/h) se je s povečanjem hitrosti povečevala, poraba goriva na hektar (l/ha) pa zmanjševala. Časovna storilnost (h/ha) se je z zmanjševanjem hitrosti pobiranja zmanjševala, površinska storilnost (ha/h) pa povečevala. Nakladalni pretok krme se je s povečevanjem delovne hitrosti pobiranja povečeval.


kmetijska mehanizacija;samonakladalna prikolica;poraba goriva;storilnost;spravilo travne silaže;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [N. Ažman]
UDC: 631.353(043.2)
COBISS: 164385027 Link will open in a new window
Views: 10
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Harvesting grass silage with a rotor forage wagon
Secondary abstract: Forage wagons are one of the most important parts in harvesting of grass silage from meadows. Differences between them are in their dimensions and in their method of implementation of the pickups (chain drive, pendulum drive, rotor drive). The purpose of this B. Sc. Thesis was to analyse the data of experiment and to find out the differences in fuel consumption and time spent between different working speeds of picking up. Then we have also calculated the time productivity, the surface productivity and the feed loading flow. We performed the experiment in the year 2022 on meadow between settlements Kokrica and Mlaka near Kranj in the middle of May at the first mowing. In the experiment we have used a rotor forage wagon. We have measured the amount of fuel used and time spent during picking up at different working speeds of picking up (4,5; 6 and 7,5 km/h) and did separate measurements during transport and unloading. We carried out two repetitions for measurements during picking up the feed for each working speed, and three repetitions for all other measurements. We have also weighed the mass of loaded feed. The settings of tractor and forage wagon were the same throughout the time of the experiment. The fuel and time consumption during transport and unloading were the same. Time consumption (l/h) increased with increasing the speed, meanwhile the fuel consumption (l/ha) decreased. The time productivity (h/ha) has decreased with increasing the speed of picking up, but the surface productivity (ha/h) decreased. Feed loading flow has increased with increasing the working picking up speed.
Secondary keywords: agricultural machinery;forage wagon;fuel consumption;productivity;harvesting grass silage;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 30 str.))
ID: 19917058