diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij - 1. stopnja


Svetovalna dejavnost, ki jo za zasebne lastnike gozdov izvaja ZGS je zakonsko opredeljena v 50. členu v Zakonu o gozdovih leta 1993. V diplomski nalogi smo anketirali zasebne lastnike gozdov ter revirne gozdarje in vodjo KE Slovenj Gradec z namenom, da ugotovimo trenutno zadovoljstvo zasebnih lastnikov gozdov z vsebino in tehniko svetovanja ZGS, ter pridobimo stališča revirnih gozdarjev ter vodje KE Slovenj Gradec izvajanju svetovalne dejavnosti za zasebne lastnike gozdov. Med anketiranimi zasebnimi lastniki gozdov je 81,3 % moških, v povprečju so stari 53 let, povprečna velikost njihovih gozdnih posesti pa znaša 14,0 ha. Anketirani zasebni lastniki gozdov so v splošnem zadovoljni z izvajanjem svetovalne dejavnosti KE Slovenj Gradec, manjše zadovoljstvo so izrazili na področjih gradnje gozdnih prometnic, kandidiranja na razpisih ter financiranja in sofinanciranja vlaganj v gozdove. Za področja sanacije gozdov po napadu podlubnikov, varnega dela po ujmah in gojitvenih del so anketirani zasebni lastniki gozdov izrazili mnenje, da jim svetovanja primanjkuje. Anketirani zaposleni na KE Slovenj Gradec zasebnim lastnikom gozdov najpogosteje svetujejo pri izbiri drevja za posek in ureditvi sečišča. Zaposleni na KE Slovenj Gradec so mnenja, da imajo zadosti znanja in so uspešni pri svetovanju zasebnim lastnikom gozdov, vendar primanjkljaj znanja trenutno opažajo na področjih poslovnega in interesnega povezovanja zasebnih lastnikov gozdov, nabave strojne in druge gozdarske opreme ter učinkovite rabe lesa za energijo. Za optimalen razvoj gozdov v prihodnosti bo potrebno, da se pri usmerjanju svetovalne dejavnosti upošteva potrebe zasebnih lastnikov gozdov po svetovanju na različnih področjih, hkrati pa izobražuje strokovni kader ZGS na področjih, za katera menijo, da jim znanja primanjkuje.


zasebni lastniki gozdov;gospodarjenje z gozdom;zasebni gozdovi;svetovalna dejavnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [L. PLevnik]
UDC: 630*3:630*9(497.4)(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 163946755 Link will open in a new window
Views: 8
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the implementation of extension services of the Slovenia Forest Service in the case of the local unit Slovenj Gradec
Secondary abstract: The advisory activity carried out by The Slovenia Forest Service (ZGS) for private forest owners is legally defined in Article 50 of the 1993 Forest Act. In the thesis, private forest owners and district foresters as well as the head of the Regional Unit Slovenj Gradec were interviewed in order to determine the current satisfaction of private forest owners with the content and technique of the advisory activity from The Slovenia Forest Service (ZGS). The respondents were interviewed to obtain the views of the district foresters and the head of the Regional Unit Slovenj Gradec in conducting advisory activities for private forest owners. Among the interviewed private forest owners, 81.3% were male, on average 53 years old, and the average size of their forest holdings was 14.0 ha. The interviewed private forest owners are generally satisfied with the implementation of the advisory activity of the Regional Unit Slovenj Gradec, they expressed less satisfaction with the forest roads construction, candidacy for tenders and financing and co-financing of investments in forests. As far as salvage logging after the attacks of bark beetles, safe work after natural disasters and silviculture works, the interviewed private forest owners expressed dissatisfaction and were of the opinion that they do not obtain suitable advice. The interviewed employees of the Regional Unit Slovenj Gradec most often select trees for cutting from private forest owners and advise them on the tree cutting areas. The employees of the Regional Unit Slovenj Gradec are of the opinion that they have sufficient knowledge and are successful in advising private forest owners. However, the lack of knowledge is currently observed in the areas of the business and interest integration of private forest owners, the procurement of wood harvesting machines and other forestry equipment and the efficient use of wood for energy. For the optimal development of forests in the future, it will be necessary to take into account the needs of private forest owners in various areas when conducting the advisory activity, while simultaneously educating the professional staff of The Slovenia Forest Service (ZGS) in the areas that they believe still lack knowledge.
Secondary keywords: private forest owners;forest management;private forests;advisory activity;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 44 str., [5] str. pril.))
ID: 19917073