magistrsko delo
Anja Zgaga (Author), Peter Šenk (Mentor), Vanja Skalicky (Co-mentor)


S prihodom Južne železnice v Maribor se je začelo mesto pospešeno razvijati, saj je zaradi poceni delovne sile, nizkih cen zemljišč in dobre povezanosti z drugimi mesti postalo zanimivo za mnoge podjetnike. Razvoju težke industrije je sledil razvoj tekstilne industrije in leta 1922 je bila v mestu odprta prva tekstilna tovarna: Mariborska mehanična tkalnica in apretura Doctor in drug. Po osamosvojitvi Slovenije leta 1991, je bil obrat opuščen in je propadel, območje pa je odtlej neizkoriščeno in degradirano. V magistrskem delu je s proučitvijo teoretskih izhodišč, z analizo obravnavane lokacije ter z ugotovljenimi potenciali območja podana idejna urbanistična in arhitekturna zasnova degradiranega urbanega območja, s kulturnim programom kot vodilom regeneracije. V prenovljen objekt nekdanje predilnice se umesti nov kulturni center s spremljajočim, dopolnilnim programom, ki se odpira na odprte javne površine. Križev dvor se obnovi in nameni za stanovanja. Na preostalem delu območja se zasnuje stanovanjski program s servisi in javnimi programi v parterju.


urbanizem;arhitektura;urbana regeneracija;industrijska cona Studenci;Maribor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [A. Zgaga]
UDC: 711.558-16(043.2)
COBISS: 171487235 Link will open in a new window
Views: 125
Downloads: 77
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Regeneration of the industrial area in Studenci district in Maribor - Križni dvor
Secondary abstract: The arrival of the Southern Railway to Maribor caused a rapid development of the city due to cheap labour, low land prices and good connections to other cities, which attracted many entrepreneurs. The development of heavy industry was followed by textile industry, with the first textile factory in the city opened in 1922: Maribor Mechanical Textile Factory and Finish Doctor and other. After Slovenia's declaration of independence in 1991, the plant fell into ruin, was unexploited and became degraded. Through the study of theoretical basis, analysis of the location, and established potentials of the area, the Master’s thesis presents the conceptual urban and architectural plan of a degraded urban area, with culture-led regeneration. A new cultural centre is placed into the renovated building of the former Cotton Mill, with a supporting, complementary programme, whixch spreads onto open public areas. Križev dvor is renovated and intended for residential use. Residential blocks with services and public programme in the ground floor are built on the rest of the area.
Secondary keywords: urbanism;architecture;urban regeneration;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIII, 133 str.))
ID: 19919609