magistrsko delo


Samozagovorništvo predstavlja širok spekter veščin, ki jih potrebujemo v času šolanja, kasnejše zaposlitve in tekom vsakdanjega življenja. Samozagovorništvo razumemo kot zagovarjanje sebe, lastnih potreb in želj ter odločanje o lastnem življenju. Zajema veščine komuniciranja, sodelovanja, posredovanja mnenj in potreb. Gre za proces, ki se razvija in gradi celo življenje. Osnovne temelje samozagovorništva se začne postavljati tudi v šoli, kjer je otrok postavljen pred različne šolske in socialne izzive, pri čemer mora izpostaviti svoje mnenje, potrebe, želje in interese. Te veščine vplivajo na šolsko uspešnost posameznika, na uspešne socialne odnose in na oblikovanje pozitivne samopodobe. Otroci, ki vstopajo v šolo, večinoma usvajajo veščine samozagovorništva neposredno preko opazovanja in modelnega učenja, kar pa še zdaleč ne velja za vse šolajoče se otroke. Učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (v nadaljevanju PPPU) zaradi svojih primanjkljajev težje neposredno usvojijo samozagovorniške veščine, saj se soočajo s številnimi ovirami na področju šolskih spretnosti. To so učenci, ki v večji meri potrebujejo učiteljevo pomoč, vodenje in usmerjanje ter neposredno učenje samozagovorniških veščin, ki pa jim lahko olajšajo proces izobraževanja in kasneje prehod v srednjo šolo ter zaposlitev. Šolsko okolje, učni proces, oblikovanje individualiziranega programa (v nadaljevanju IP) in pomoč v okviru ur dodatne strokovne pomoči (v nadaljevanju DSP) so lahko priložnosti, preko katerih se lahko učenci s PPPU ustrezno pripravijo in izurijo v samozagovorniških veščinah. Omenjene situacije jim namreč omogočajo varno okolje, kjer lahko te veščine vadijo in preizkušajo. S pomočjo vprašalnikov, oblikovanih za namene magistrskega dela, smo ugotavljali, kako dobro učenci s PPPU v tretjem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju poznajo svoje primanjkljaje in močna področja ter kako so uspešni samozagovorniki. Odgovore učencev in učiteljev smo nato poglobili tudi z intervjuji. V vzorec smo zajeli 30 učencev s PPPU, ki so vključeni v program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo, in 30 učiteljev, ki te učence poučujejo (predmetni učitelji ter specialni in rehabilitacijskih pedagogi). Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo v raziskavo vključeni učenci, glede na samooceno in oceno učiteljev, relativno dobro razvite veščine samozagovorništva. Ugotovili smo, da učenci s PPPU poznajo svoje primanjkljaje in svoja močna področja ter da v kar veliki meri sodelujejo pri oblikovanju in evalvaciji IP. Prav tako smo primerjali ocene samozagovorništva s pomočjo ekvivalentnih parov (učenec-učitelj) in ugotovili, da se ocene načeloma skladajo, le pri nekaterih postavkah prihaja do statistično pomembnih razlik. Te postavke se v večji meri nanašajo na izvršilne funkcije pri učencih s PPPU in na njihovo socialno vključenost. V okviru magistrskega dela so v teoretičnem delu podane tudi smernice, kako lahko učitelj neposredno pomaga učencu s PPPU pri razvijanju veščin samozagovorništva.


samozagovorništvo;učenci s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja;učitelji;individualiziran program;osnovna šola;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M.S. Gril]
UDC: 376-056.36(043.2)
COBISS: 164602883 Link will open in a new window
Views: 7
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development of self-advocacy skills in pupils with specific learning deficits in the third educational period of primary school
Secondary abstract: Self-advocacy represents a wide range of skills and abilities that we need during schooling, later employment and during everyday life. Self-advocacy is the ability to defend oneself, one's own needs and desires, and to make decisions about one's own life. It encompasses the skills of communication, cooperation, conveying opinions and needs. It is a process that develops and builds throughout our lifetime. The base foundation of self-advocacy begins to be laid in school, where the children are faced with various school and social challenges, where they must express their opinions, needs, wishes, and interests. These skills influence an individual's school performance, success in social relationships and the formation of a positive self-image. Children who attend school mostly acquire self-advocacy skills through observation and model learning, but this cannot be said for all school-going children. Due to their deficits, students with severe specific learning difficulties (hereafter SSLD) find it more difficult to directly acquire self-advocacy skills, facing many obstacles in the school skill field. These are the students who need the teacher's help and guidance to a greater extent, and direct learning of self-advocacy skills, which can facilitate the process of education and can later be transitioned to high school and employment. The school environment, learning process, the formation of an individualized program (hereafter IP), help within the framework of hours dedicated to additional professional support (hereafter APS), they can all be opportunities through which students with SSLDs can be adequately prepared and trained in self-advocacy skills. The mentioned situations provide them with a safe environment where they can practice and test these skills. With the help of questionnaires designed for the purpose of the master’s thesis, we determined how well the pupils with SSLDs in the third educational period of primary school know their deficits and strong areas, and how successful self-advocates they are. The answers from the students and teachers, collected from the questionnaires, were then further elaborated with in-depth interviews. All students are included in a program with adapted implementation and additional professional assistance. The sample consisted of 30 students with SSLDs and 30 teachers who teach these students (teachers, special education teachers). For statistical analysis, we used the following methods: descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U-test and Wilcoxon test. The results of the research showed the relatively well-developed self-advocacy skills of students with SSLDs according to their own opinion and the opinion of their teachers. We found that students with SSLDs know their deficits and can successfully highlight their strong areas. We also found that students with SSLDs, to a large extent, participate in the design and evaluation of their IP. We also compared the evaluations of self-advocacy using equivalent pairs (student-teacher) and found that the evaluations are in principle consistent, only with some items are there statistically significant differences. These items relate to a greater extent to the executive functions of pupils with SSLDs and their social inclusion. As part of the master’s work, the theoretical part also provides guidelines on how a teacher can directly help a student with SSLDs in developing self-advocacy skills.
Secondary keywords: self-advocacy;students with deficits in individual areas of learning;teachers;individualized program;elementary school;Učne težave;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Posebne razvojne in učne težave
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (103 str.))
DOI: 20.500.12556/RUL-150141
ID: 19933553