diplomsko delo
Gašper Furlan (Author), Rok Mihelič (Mentor), Helena Grčman (Thesis defence commission member), Robert Veberič (Thesis defence commission member)


V diplomski nalogi smo ugotavljali, ali tretiranje s preparati iz alg na vinski trti poveča pridelek, rast ter kakovost grozdja. Tretirali smo z dvema različnima pripravkoma proizvajalca Kimitec. Prvi pripravek je AP- 3, ki vsebuje mikroalge Scenedesmus spp., drugi preparat pa je Seanergy, ki vsebuje mikroalge Spirulina in makroalge Ascophyllum. Trte smo tretirali 4-krat v rastni dobi in v tem času smo opravili meritve rasti, vodili dnevnik splošnih opažanj ter pred začetkom zorenja vzorčili 100 listov ter pecljev na obravnavanje ter jih poslali v akreditirani laboratorij za analizo na skupno vsebnost elementov. Pri meritvah rasti mladik smo največjo povprečno končno dolžino izmerili pri pripravku AP-3 (265,1 cm), sledil je pripravek Seanergy (261,9 cm) in najmanjše mladike so bile pri kontroli (240,7 cm). Prav tako smo pri pripravku AP-3 izmerili največjo vsebnost klorofila v listih z aparatom N-tester, Yara (422,1), sledila sta pripravek Seanergy (418,5) in kontrola (412,9). Največji pridelek grozdja smo izmerili pri trtah, ki so bile tretirane s pripravkom AP 3 (1,9 kg), sledil je pripravek Seanergy (1,75 kg), najmanjši pridelek je imela kontrola (1,65 kg). Kakovost mošta je bila pri vseh obravnavanjih enaka.


vinska trta;alge;biostimulanti;pridelek;grozdje;kakovost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [G. Furlan]
UDC: 634.8:631.811.98:582.26(043.2)
COBISS: 164972035 Link will open in a new window
Views: 11
Downloads: 4
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Biostimulatory effect of algae preparations on yield and quality of grapes
Secondary abstract: In the diploma thesis, we investigated whether treating grapevines with preparations derived from algae increases yield, growth and the quality of grapes. We treated the vines with two different products from the manufacturer Kimitec. The first product is AP-3 contains microalgae Scenedesmus spp., the second product is Seanergy, containing microalgae Spirulina and macroalgae Ascophyllum. The vines were treated four times during the growth period, and during this time, we conducted growth measurements, maintained a general observations journal, and prior to the onset of ripening, we sampled 100 leaves with petiole from each treatment, sending them to an accredited laboratory for analysis of total elemental content. The highest average final length was observed in shoots treated with the AP-3 product (265.1 cm), followed by the Seanergy preparation (261.9 cm), while the smallest shoots were in the control group (240.7 cm). Similarly, with the AP-3 preparation, we measured the highest chlorophyll content in the leaves expressed as Yara N-tester units (422.1), followed by the Seanergy preparation (418.5), and the control group with the lowest content (412.9). In terms of yield, the highest was measured in vines treated with the AP-3 (1.9 kg), followed by the Seanergy (1.75 kg), and the control group had the lowest yield (1.65 kg). The quality of the must was consistent across all treatments.
Secondary keywords: grapevine;algae;biostimulants;yield;grape;quality;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 27 str.))
ID: 19945548