graduation thesis
Marjetka Cvetko (Author), Katja Plemenitaš (Mentor)


The study of translation is very young and has no unified theory. There is no uniform definition of an ideal translation. Aspects affecting translation are too numerous to consider them all. Up to the present many sciences have influenced its development and theory to a great extent, they changed, added to it and improved it. Text linguistics contributed to translation too, refuted the concept of a sentence-for-sentence or even word-for-word translation and focused on treating a text as a whole. This young discipline changed the perspective of text analysing, it moved from focusing on text producing, style or text type to its structure, it analyses genres, the elements texts are constructed of and the ties linking them into logical, whole units. Another approach to text analysing developed within the framework of systemic functional linguistics referred to as discourse analysis that investigates textuality according to linguistic resources such as reference, repetition conjunction etc. creating cohesive ties between linguistic items (Martin, 1992:3; Halliday and Hasan, 1995:2-4). In this graduation thesis reference to human participants was researched in theory and practice using the example of a text in English and its Slovene translation and the results show that the knowledge of differences or resemblances in achieving cohesion in English and Slovene can contribute to better translating between those two languages and makes it easier for the reader or receiver of the translation to understand it in one's mother language.


translating;text;text linguistics;discourse analysis;cohesion;reference;participant identification;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Cvetko]
UDC: 811ANG(043.2)
COBISS: 19180296 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2217
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Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Diskurzna analiza v prevajanju
Secondary abstract: Področje prevodoslovja je zelo mlado, ne razpolaga z enotno teorijo, enovite definicije idealnega prevoda ni. Vidikov, ki na prevajanje vplivajo, je preveč, da bi bilo mogoče upoštevati vse. Tako so do danes na razvoj discipline vplivale mnoge druge znanosti in teorijo prevajanja spreminjale, dopolnjevale in izboljševale. K stroki je pomembno doprineslo tudi besediloslovje, strokovnjaki so ovrgli koncept prevajanja stavka za stavkom ali celo besede za besedo in v središče postavili obravnavo besedila kot celote. Ta mlada disciplina besedilo razčlenjuje z drugačnih vidikov kot poprej, ne osredinja se na način tvorbe, stil ali besedilno vrsto, temveč na zvrst jezika, zgradbo samo oz. na elemente, ki ga sestavljajo in medsebojno povezujejo v logično celoto. Znotraj sistemske funkcionalne slovnice je bil razvit nov pristop k analizi besedila imenovan diskurzna analiza, ki besedilnost razčlenjuje glede na jezikovna sredstva kot so nanašanje, ponavljanje, naveznost itd., s katerimi se dosega kohezivne vezi med jezikovnimi elementi (Martin, 1992:1,3; Halliday and Hasan, 1995:2-4). V tej diplomski nalogi je bil teoretično in praktično raziskan sistem nanašanja na človeške udeležence na primeru in izsledki kažejo, da lahko poznavanje razlik oz. podobnosti v doseganju kohezije med angleščino in slovenščino pripomore k boljšemu in kvalitetnejšemu prevajanju med tema dvema jezikoma, bralcu oz. prejemniku prevoda pa olajša razumevanje besedila v maternem jeziku.
Secondary keywords: prevajanje;besedilo;besediloslovje;diplomska dela;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za prevodoslovje
Pages: 57 f.
Keywords (UDC): language;linguistics;literature;jezikoslovje;filologija;književnost;linguistics and languages;jezikoslovje in jeziki;languages;jeziki;
ID: 19971
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