diplomsko delo
Julija Ojsteršek (Author), Milena Ivanuš-Grmek (Co-mentor)


Sodelovanje med vrtcem in starši je pomemben dejavnik pri vzgoji otrok. Delo vzgojiteljev namreč ni samo delo z otrokom, temveč tudi z otrokovo družino - starši. Da bi bilo to sodelovanje kar se da učinkovito, je treba vzpostaviti primeren odnos, ki bo temeljil predvsem na zaupanju, spoštovanju in razumevanju. Dobri odnosi med starši in vzgojitelji so pogoj za harmonično in emocionalno stabilnost otrokove osebnosti. Prav tako je sodelovanje med vrtcem in starši pomemben vidik kakovosti predšolske vzgoje, saj prav to sodelovanje veliko prispeva k ustreznemu dopolnjevanju družinske in institucionalne vzgoje. Vrtec kot institucija namreč veliko prispeva k dopolnitvi družinske vzgoje. Da se oboje združi v celovito skrb za uspešen razvoj in napredek otrok, sta nujno potrebna dobro sodelovanje med starši in vrtcem, še posebej med starši in strokovnimi delavkami, ki skrbijo za njihove otroke v času bivanja v vrtcu, in upoštevanje določenih pravic in obveznosti. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V prvem delu sta predstavljena družina (njene značilnosti, naloge, funkcije ...) in njen pomen pri razvoju in vzgoji otroka. V nadaljevanju so na kratko predstavljeni tudi: vrtec (pravice in dolžnosti staršev, vprašanja, ki se porajajo ob vstopu otroka v vrtec, vključevanje družin v življenje vrtca ...), odnosi med strokovnimi delavci in starši, ki so pomembni za uspešno sodelovanje, komuniciranje s starši, brez katerega pri sodelovanju ne gre, ter samo sodelovanje s starši. V empiričnem delu je analiza raziskave o tem, kako so starši zadovoljni z delom, odnosi in sodelovanjem z zaposlenimi v vrtcu ter katerih oblik sodelovanja se najpogosteje udeležujejo in zakaj.


otroci;starši;družine;vzgojitelji;vzgoja;odnosi;sodelovanje;komunikacija;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Ojsteršek]
UDC: 373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 19193352 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2956
Downloads: 307
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Cooperation between nursery school and parents is a significant factor of children's education. The nursery school educators' work is not understood as the work with a child only, however the complex work with the child's family, i.e. with the parents. In order to make this cooperation as effective as possible, the establishment of a correspondent relationship is necessary and shall thus be based on trustfulness, respect and understanding. Quality relationship between parents and educators enable the child's personality to become harmonically and emotionally stable. Furthermore, the cooperation between nursery school and parents is also found to be an important aspect of quality of pre-school process of education due to its significant contribution to the family and institutional education. Nursery school may - as the institution - contribute to the replenishment of the family education a lot. In order to make both categories consolidate into a complex care for a child's successful development and progress, a good cooperation between parents and nursery school is necessary, especially between parents and practitioners who take care for their children during their stay at nursery school and to consider certain rights and duties. The university graduation thesis consists of the theoretical and empirical parts, of which the first one introduces the family (its characteristics, tasks, functions) as well as its importance in the process of the child's development and education. The following content briefly illustrates nursery school (parents' rights and duties, questions that appear in the time of the child's entrance into nursery school, the integration of families into the life within nursery school) and yet the relationships between parents and practitioners that play an important role in the cooperation itself, communication with parents which - of course - should not be missing as well as the cooperation with parents themselves. In the empirical part, however, the relevant research on the parents' satisfaction with work, relationships and cooperation with the nursery school staff is represented as well as which moods of mutual cooperation do attract the parents most and their reasons for regarding them in this way.
Secondary keywords: Child;parents;family;educator;education;nursery school;relationship;communication.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 132 f.
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;education;vzgoja in izobraževanje;šolstvo;pouk;kinds of school providing general education;vrste šol;ki zagotavljajo splošno izobrazbo;
ID: 19987
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