pomen interoceptivnega zavedanja in konceptualizacije čustev pri doživljanju in uravnavanju čustev
Anja Rakovec (Author), Saša Zorjan (Mentor)


Interoceptivno zavedanje (zavedanje občutkov iz notranjosti telesa) in konceptualizacija čustev (proces osmišljanja zaznanih občutkov) po teoriji konstruiranih čustev predstavljata ključna elementa konstrukcije in uravnavanja čustev. V skladu s to idejo smo v magistrskem delu preučevali odnos med interoceptivnim zavedanjem, dvema vidikoma konceptualizacije čustev (čustveno diferenciacijo in aleksitimijo) ter doživljanjem in regulacijo čustev. V intenzivni vzdolžni raziskavi smo z metodo vzorčenja izkušenj zbrali podatke 157 mladih odraslih, ki so sedem dni sedemkrat na dan izpolnjevali vprašalnike na temo lastnega čustvovanja in regulacije čustev. Odkrili smo negativno povezanost med interoceptivnim zavedanjem in aleksitimijo, medtem ko nobeden od obeh konstruktov ni bil povezan s čustveno diferenciacijo. Višje ravni interoceptivnega zavedanja in diferenciacije negativnih čustev so bile povezane z nižjimi stopnjami negativnega afekta in učinkovitejšo regulacijo čustev, aleksitimija pa z več težavami pri regulaciji čustev in manj uporabe t. i. prilagojenih čustvenoregulatornih strategij. Izkazalo se je tudi, da interoceptivno zavedanje in čustvena diferenciacija ne igrata pomembne vloge pri izbiri različnih strategij regulacije čustev, aleksitimija pa ne moderira učinkovitosti le-teh. Čeprav izsledki kažejo, da imajo tako interoceptivno zavedanje kot oba vidika konceptualizacije čustev pomen pri določenih vzorcih regulacije čustev, so ti odnosi kompleksni in ponekod kontradiktorni.


magistrska dela;interoceptivno zavedanje;aleksitimija;čustvena diferenciacija;čustvena regulacija;negativni afekt;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [A. Rakovec]
UDC: 159.942(043.2)
COBISS: 172347139 Link will open in a new window
Views: 27
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Taking emotions into your own hands: the role of interoceptive awareness and emotional conceptualization in the experience and regulation of emotions
Secondary abstract: According to the theory of constructed emotions, interoceptive awareness (being aware of internal bodily sensations) and emotional conceptualization (the process of assigning meaning to those sensations) are key elements in the construction and regulation of emotions. In line with this idea, we investigated the relationship between interoceptive awareness, two aspects of emotional conceptualization (emotion differentiation and alexithymia), and the experience and regulation of emotions. In an intensive longitudinal study, we used the experience sampling method to collect data from 157 young adults who completed questionnaires on their own emotions and emotion regulation seven times a day for seven days. We found a negative association between interoceptive awareness and alexithymia, while neither construct was associated with emotion differentiation. Higher levels of interoceptive awareness and negative emotion differentiation were associated with lower levels of negative affect and more successful emotion regulation, whereas alexithymia was associated with more difficulties in emotion regulation and less use of putatively adaptive emotion-regulation strategies. We also found that interoceptive awareness and emotion differentiation play no significant role in the selection of different emotion-regulation strategies, and alexithymia does not moderate their effectiveness. While the findings suggest that both interoceptive awareness and both aspects of emotion conceptualization are important in certain emotion-regulation patterns, these relationships are complex and sometimes contradictory.
Secondary keywords: master theses;interoceptive awareness;alexithymia;emotion differentiation;emotion regulation;negative affect;Čustva;Samozavedanje;Čuječnost (psihologija);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VIII, 77 str.))
ID: 20007987
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