zagotavljanje dodane vrednosti destinacije


Trajnostni in odgovorni turizem sta vsestranska instrumenta dolgoročnega razvoja. Temeljita na proaktivnem načrtovanju in celovitem upravljanju turističnih vrednostnih verig v zeleni pametni destinaciji. Kakovostna celostna ponudba medsektorsko povezanih pristnih butičnih doživetij ter njena učinkovita in ciljana promocija, trženje in prodaja vplivajo na motivacijo, interes in rast turističnega povpraševanja in potrošnje. Večja potrošnja je povezana z večjim prihodkom destinacije in s povečanjem deleža lokalno oziroma regionalno dodane vrednosti po celoviti verigi turistične ponudbe. Pristop zahteva širok nabor razvojnega interveniranja skozi raznotere projekte povezanih deležnikov, kar sledi strateško načrtovani sliki prihodnosti od spodaj navzgor in od zgodaj navzdol. Mreženje v procesu ustvarjanja vrednosti za oblikovanje, trženje, prodajo in evalviranje avtentičnih zelenih doživetij ima izjemne sinergične in multiplikativne učinke ter moč razpršitve prihodka. S tem se dodaja vrednost po celotni verigi, tudi izven turistične dejavnosti. Tako nastajajo turistični produkti – vodena doživetja, ki certificirana s teritorialnimi kolektivnimi blagovnimi znamkami, vzpostavljenimi po modelu Izvorno slovensko, zagotavljajo visoko kakovost in dodano vrednost destinacije.


mreženje;turistična destinacija;verige vrednosti;dodana vrednost;avtentična butična doživetja;teritorialna kolektivna blagovna znamka;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
Publisher: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba
UDC: 338.48
COBISS: 138787075 Link will open in a new window
Views: 27
Downloads: 0
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Networking
Secondary abstract: Sustainable and responsible tourism are comprehensive instruments for long-term development. They are based on proactive planning and overall management of tourism value chains in a green smart destination. The quality integrated offer of cross-sectoral authentic boutique experiences and its effective and targeted promotion, marketing and sales, affect the motivation, interest and growth of tourist demand and consumption. Higher consumption is associated with higher revenue of the destination and an increase in the share of local or regional added value along the whole value chain. The approach requires a wide range of development interventions through a variety of stakeholder projects, following a strategically planned bottom-up and top-down picture of the future. Networking in the chain of providers in the process of creating value for the design, marketing, sale and evaluation of authentic green experiences has exceptional synergistic and multiplicative effects and the power to disperse revenue. This adds value throughout the chain, even outside the tourism business industry. This is how tourist products – guided experiences that are certified by teritorial collective brands established according to the 'Authentic from Slovenia' model are created, ensuring high quality and added value of the destination.
Secondary keywords: networking;tourist destination;value chains;added value;authentic boutique experiences;territorial collective brand;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: Str. [67]-106
ID: 20034011