graduation thesis


This diploma paper, entitled Auto-correction in Simultaneous Interpreting, consists of two main parts; the theoretical and the empirical part. The theoretical part introduces the given problem, and focuses on the first language acquisition, as well as on the psychological processes that occur in the human mind when language is created, and how it deals with simultaneous perception and production. This is then followed by the explanation of the second language acquisition. We further focus on the theoretical explanation of interpreting, with special emphasis on simultaneous interpreting, where we explain the specifics and the main problems of simultaneous interpreting. This is followed by the theoretical definition and the distinction between mistakes and errors as S. P. Corder sees it. The second part focuses on the empirical research which was conducted in order to determine which types of errors occur with the students of simultaneous interpreting. These errors were analysed with the help of sound recordings, and are further outpointed at different levels, such as grammar, syntax, phonetics and lexis. We also try to distinguish between errors and mistakes. The data collected are presented and discussed at the end of the diploma paper. The diploma paper was written in order to discover and describe different types of errors that the second language learners make, which strategies they use in correcting themselves, and how successful they are in doing it.


language;first language acquisition;second language acquisition;simultaneous interpreting;errors;mistakes;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Benkovič]
UDC: 811ANG(043.2)
COBISS: 19234824 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1452
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Samopopravki pri simultanem tolmačenju
Secondary abstract: Diplomsko delo z naslovom Samopopravki pri simultanem tolmačenju je sestavljeno iz dveh delov, in sicer iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Teoretični del predstavlja uvod v problematiko, zato se najprej osredotoča na pridobivanje maternega jezika in psihološke procese, ki so povezani z ustvarjanjem jezika, zanimalo nas je tudi, kako se um spopada z istočasno percepcijo in nastajanjem jezika. Sledi opis pridobivanja tujega jezika, nato teoretična razlaga tolmačenja, s poudarkom na simultanem tolmačenju, kjer opredelimo specifike in glavne probleme simultanega tolmačenja. Sledi teoretična definicija in razdelitev napak, ki je povzeta po S. P. Corderju. Drugi del zajema empirično raziskavo, kjer nas zanimajo napake, ki se pojavljajo pri študentih simultanega tolmačenja. Napake smo preučili s pomočjo zvočnih posnetkov, in sicer na ravni slovnice in skladnje in tudi na glasoslovni in leksikalni ravni. Prav tako smo skušali razlikovati med napakami v kompetenci in performanci. Ob koncu analize so zapisani izsledki in ugotovitve naše raziskave. Diplomsko delo je nastalo z namenom ugotoviti in preučiti vrste napak tistega, ki se uči tujega jezika, katere strategije uporablja pri popravljanju svojih napak in koliko je sposoben svoje napake popraviti.
Secondary keywords: jezik;tuji jeziki;tolmačenje;diplomska dela;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za prevodoslovje
Pages: 76 f.
Keywords (UDC): language;linguistics;literature;jezikoslovje;filologija;književnost;linguistics and languages;jezikoslovje in jeziki;languages;jeziki;
ID: 20042
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