diplomsko delo
Martina Sluga (Author), Uroš Horvat (Mentor)


Občina Krško je bila v preteklosti predvsem industrijsko in kmetijsko usmerjena. Po letu 1990 je začel dobivati večjo veljavo turizem. Naravne prvine, kulturna dediščina, turistična infrastruktura in superstruktura so glavni dejavniki, ki so začeli v občino privabljati turiste. Da bi se število gostov povečalo, so strokovnjaki za področje turizma izdelali več analiz in načrtov, ki bodo pripomogli k dvigu turističnega zanimanja za občino Krško. Številni griči, doline, ravnine, bujni gozdovi in vodotoki nam "pričarajo" pestro podobo pokrajine v občini Krško. Sama pokrajina je lahko za turizem zelo zanimiva, vendar moramo pri vsem tem upoštevati tudi turistično ponudbo. V diplomskem delu je obravnavano vprašanje, kaj vse občina Krško nudi kot turistična destinacija in kaj vse so v občini storili za večjo atraktivnost in prepoznavnost območja. V občini so številni objekti, ki žal s svojim videzom več ne pripomorejo k turistični privlačnosti. Res, da občina trenutno doživlja velike spremembe - gradijo se nove ceste, hidroelektrarne, objekti, na drugi strani pa vidimo propad kulturne in zgodovinske dediščine. Nič ne pomaga, da so izdelani števili načrti za prihodnost, če niso realizirani. S sodelovanjem in usklajenim delovanjem bo potrebno storiti pravi korak k obnovi objektov v občini in jim dati prednost pred gradnjo ne tako potrebnih zgradb.


občina Krško;turizem;turistični razvoj;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [M. Sluga]
UDC: 91(043.2)
COBISS: 19237128 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1734
Downloads: 216
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Possibilites of development of tourism in the municipality of Krško
Secondary abstract: In the past, the Municipality of Krško has been mainly industrial and agriculture oriented. Nevertheless, since 1990, it has become increasingly tourism oriented. Natural elements, heritage, tourist infrastructure and superstructure are the main factors which have been attracting more and more tourists. To increase the number of tourists in the following years, the experts in the field of tourism have carried out analyses and made plans, which will help to increase tourist interest of the Municipality of Krško. Numerous hills, valleys, plains, lush forests and watercourses conjure a diverse landscape image. The landscape itself can be very interesting for tourists, but there is also the tourist offer, which has to be taken into consideration. This thesis deals with the question what are the tourist development opportunities in the Municipality of Krško and what has been already done to increase the recognisability and attractiveness of the town. There are some buildings in the municipality which can hardly help the tourism attraction with their appearance. It is true that the municipality is going through some major changes - new roads, hydroelectric power plants and facilities are being built, but on the other hand, we can see the decay of cultural and historical heritage. Numerous future plans are useless if they are not realised. It will take cooperation and concerted action to make the right step towards the construction of the buildings in the municipality and give priority over not-so-necessary construction of buildings.
Secondary keywords: the Municipality of Krško;tourism;tourist development;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo
Pages: 174 f.
Keywords (UDC): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;geography;exploration of the earth and of individual countries;travel;regional geography;geografija;raziskovanje zemlje in posameznih držav;potovanja;regionalna geografija;
ID: 20046
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