vloga kulturnih institucij pri valorizaciji kulturne dediščine v turistične namene


Prispevek obravnava razmerje med turizmom in vlogo kulturnih ustanov pri sooblikovanju turistične ponudbe, na kratko analizira posebno vlogo muzejev kot javnih institucij v kulturnem turizmu in navaja nekatere predloge za nadaljnji razvoj. Avtorici izpostavljata različne oblike odnosov, ki se razvijajo med turizmom in kulturnimi ustanovami, ter predlagata mreženje kot obliko sodelovanja na področju kulturnega turizma. Na podlagi študije primera Posavskega muzeja Brežice so predstavljeni štirje primeri različnih pogledov turizma in kulturnih ustanov na razvoj produktov kulturnega turizma in predlogi za reševanje konfliktov. Prispevek ponuja predloge za možnosti dobrega mreženja in kakovostnega sodelovanja.


kultura;kulturni turizem;muzeji;mreženje;kulturne ustanove;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
UDC: 338.48-6:7/8
COBISS: 138991107 Link will open in a new window
Views: 9
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cultural tourism
Secondary abstract: The paper discusses the relationship between tourism and the role of cultural institutions in co-creating tourist offer, briefly analyses the special role of museums as public institutions in cultural tourism and makes some suggestions for further development. The authors emphasise various forms of relations that are developing between tourism and cultural institutions and suggest networking as a form of cooperation in the field of cultural tourism. Based on the case study of the Posavje Museum Brežice, four examples of different views of tourism and cultural institutions on the development of cultural tourism products and proposals for conflict resolution are presented. The paper offers suggestions for opportunities for good networking and quality cooperation.
Secondary keywords: culture;cultural tourism;museums;networking;cultural institutions;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: Str. [455]-482
ID: 20064060
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