diplomsko delo
Namen raziskave diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšen odnos imajo učitelji razrednega pouka, učitelji športne vzgoje in učitelji drugih predmetov do predmeta športna vzgoja ter kako ga vrednotijo glede na ostale predmete v osnovni šoli. Prav tako je namen ugotoviti, ali in koliko časa učitelji namenjajo športni dejavnosti ter kakšno je njihovo mnenje o ocenjevanju in številu ur športne vzgoje v prvem, drugem in tretjem triletju glede na ostale predmete. Vzorec je zajemal 92 učiteljev, (30 razrednih, 29 športnih in 33 učiteljev drugih predmetov) iz desetih osnovnih šol v okolici Celja in Šentjurja. Raziskava je pokazala, da imajo osnovnošolski učitelji pozitiven odnos do športa. Več kot polovica osnovnošolskih učiteljev meni, da so vsi šolski predmeti enako pomembni za učence in da je za uspešno poučevanje športne vzgoje potrebno vseživljenjsko usposabljanje in izobraževanje. Prav tako se strinjajo, da kadar odpade ura pouka, je le-to bolje nadomestiti s športno vzgojo kot s katerimkoli drugim predmetom. Nič kaj spodbudni pa niso rezultati športne dejavnosti učiteljev. Največ ur tedensko se s športom ukvarjajo športni učitelji (10 ur), medtem ko so razredni in predmetni učitelji športno dejavni za polovico časa manj. Malo več kot polovica učiteljev je za opisno ocenjevanje v prvem triletju, v drugem in tretjem triletju pa naj bi bilo po mnenju večine ocenjevanje številčno. Učitelji niso enotni glede števila ur športne vzgoje. Učitelji športne vzgoje pravijo, da je število ur v vseh razredih premajhno, medtem ko se s tem strinja le tretjina razrednih in drugih učiteljev. Le-ti namreč pravijo, da je število ur športne vzgoje primerno v vseh razredih.
športna vzgoja;odnosi;učitelji;razredni pouk;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2012 |
Source: |
Maribor |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[B. Jager] |
UDC: |
796(043.2) |
Views: |
2733 |
Downloads: |
372 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
The purpose of this university graduation thesis has been oriented towards establishing the relationship which primary school class-teachers, PE teachers as well as the teachers of other school subjects do have to the subject of PE (Physical Education) and in what way they estimate it in comparison with the other primary school subjects. Furthermore, the university graduation thesis has tried to evaluate how much time, whether at all, is actually devoted to sport activities by the teachers as well as to note their opinion about the assessment and about the number of sport lessons in the first, second and fourth triad compared with the other school subjects. The practical model involved 92 teachers (30 primary school class-teachers, 29 PE teachers and 33 teachers of the other school subjects) from ten selected primary schools situated in the surroundings of the cities Celje and Šentjur. The research itself unveiled a positive attitude of teachers towards sport activity. More than a half of primary school teachers do consider all school subjects to be of the equal importance to pupils. In their opinion, a successful teaching of Physical Education should be the result of the lifelong practising and educating. At the same time, it has been agreed that any other school subject lesson which is to be cancelled due to some reasons should be substituted by physical education instead of being replaced by some other school subject lesson. However, the findings about sport activities of teachers themselves are estimated to be far from being promising. PE teachers do get involved in different sport activities most (up to ten hours a week), while primary school class-teachers and those who teach the other school subjects hardly manage to gain at least a half of this quota. A good half of teachers do support a descriptive assessment to be in use within the period of the first triad, while numeral assessment is generally considered to be more convenient for the second and third triads. Teachers, however, do not act unanimously in decision-making about the number of PE lessons. While PE teacher are claiming the current number of PE lessons to be insufficient for all classes, only one third of class-teachers and the other ones do support this opinion since the majority of this group of teacher considers such number of PE lessons to be the most appropriate. |
Secondary keywords: |
physical education (PE);relationship;class-teachers;PE teachers;teachers of other school subjects; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk |
Pages: |
82 f. |
Keywords (UDC): |
the arts;recreation;entertainment;sport;umetnost;razvedrilo;zabava;šport;recreation;entertainment;games;sport;razvedrilo;zabava;igre;šport;sport;games;physical exercises;šport;športne igre;telesne vaje; |
ID: |
20067 |