diplomsko delo
Špela Mohorič (Author), Ana Vovk Korže (Mentor)


V diplomskem delu so predstavljene in analizirane poplavne prsti v občini Poljčane ob reki Dravinji. S pomočjo terenskega dela smo določili fizikalne lastnosti poplavnih prsti. S pomočjo vzorcev, vzetih iz terena, smo v laboratoriju izmerili kemijske lastnosti poplavnih prsti. Vse lastnosti prsti so grafično in v preglednicah prikazane, analizirane in interpretirane. Glavni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na lastnosti poplavnih prsti ob Dravinji, so ravninski relief, reka Dravinja in podtalnica. Najpomembnejša lastnost poplavnih prsti je tekstura, ki vpliva na vse ostale lastnosti. Ena izmed pomembnejših lastnosti je vlažnost prsti. Narejena je primerjava z obstoječimi podatki vzorcev prsti, ki so bili odvzeti na poplavnem območju. Raziskave na terenu so pokazale, da ima večina prsti meljasto ilovnato teksturo, kar vpliva na vlažnost prsti, ki je v povprečju znašala 22 %. Gre za rumene prsti, pri katerih se pojavlja sferična oblika strukturnih agregatov, katerih obstojnost proti vodnemu raztapljanju je tako slaba kot dobra. Poplavne prsti so bodisi brez skeleta oziroma velikosti do 10 mm. Njihov pH je nevtralen in ne vsebujejo kalcijevega karbonata. Raziskava v laboratoriju je pokazala, da prsti ne vsebujejo amonija, vsebnost nitratnega dušika je med 2 in 3 mg/kg, nitritnega dušika med 0,3 mg/kg in 1,5 mg/kg. Vsebujejo od 100 do 150 mg/kg kalija, vsebnost fosforja je okoli 200 mg/kg. Poplavne prsti so v občini Poljčane pomemben naravni vir za rast rastlin, dom živalim, pomembne so za shranjevanje vode. Poplave omogočajo izredno biotsko pestrost območja, kar je občina izkoristila kot učilnico v naravi.


Poljčane;poplave;geografija;prsti;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [Š. Mohorič]
UDC: 91(043.2)
COBISS: 19267080 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2110
Downloads: 146
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Wetlands soil in municipality Poljčane
Secondary abstract: In the diploma paper the wetlands soils of the Municipality of Poljčane are being presented and analysed. With help of fieldwork and by taking samples of the wetland soils the physical analysis has been made and in the laboratory the chemical characteristics have been measured. All those characteristics are shown in charts and graphs and are analysed and interpreted further on. The main factors influencing the wetland soils by the river Dravinja are the river itself, the plain land and the groundwater. The most important characteristic is the texture of the wetlands soils, which influences all the other characteristics. From all the samples taken from the wetland the comparison has been made and the researches have shown that most soils have a silty and loamy texture, which influences the amount of humidity, which in average is 22 %. The soils to be found in the area are yellow soils in spherical form of the structural aggregates and their persistence against the melting by water can be considered either good or bad. The wetland soils have no skeleton - their size is up to 10 mm. Their pH is neutral and they contain no calcium carbonate. The laboratory results have shown that the samples contain no ammonium, however they do contain from 2 to 3 mg/ kg of nitrate nitrogen and from 0, 3 mg/ kg of nitrite nitrogen. They also contain from 100 to 150 mg/ kg of potassium and around 200 mg/ kg of phosphorus. The wetland soils are an important natural resource for plant growth; they offer home to many animals and are also important for water conservation. They enable the biotic diversity of this area, which gave an idea to the municipality of Poljčane to organize an outdoor classroom.
Secondary keywords: characteristics of the wetland soils;wetland;Municipality of Poljčane;sustainable development.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo
Pages: 87 f.
Keywords (UDC): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;geography;exploration of the earth and of individual countries;travel;regional geography;geografija;raziskovanje zemlje in posameznih držav;potovanja;regionalna geografija;
ID: 20085
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