magistrsko delo
Tara Peternell (Author), Nina Petek (Mentor)


Nishidova misel se je v preteklih desetletjih dodobra uveljavila v širšem filozofskem svetu, a v slovenskem znanstvenem prostoru skorajda ni zastopana. Pričujoče delo je prvi poskus širše obravnave in vpeljave filozofovih temeljnih konceptov ter idej v naše jezikovno področje. Delo zajema tri obdobja njegovega miselnega razvoja, in sicer filozofijo čistega izkustva, absolutne volje in prostora absolutne ničnosti. V prehodu od enega do drugega preobrata bom predstavila pomembne vzporednice z budistično filozofijo, ki bodo s primerno osvetlitvijo še posebej opazne v mahāyānski tradiciji filozofskih šol yogācāra, madhyamaka in zen. Pri tem bom upoštevala tudi ustrezne povezave in ločnice Nishide z občo epistemologijo, empirizmom, metafiziko in nemško klasično filozofijo. Osrednji cilj mojega raziskovanja bo prikazati, kako je avtor uspešno ohranjal težavno ravnovesje med budizmom in evrocentrično filozofijo – za prvega bom trdila, da predstavlja formativno podlago in glavni potencial njegove misli, za drugo pa, da je materija v poigravanju, s katero se lahko prvi aktualizira v pogojih teoretskega diskurza v upanju, da bi temu poigravanju razbrala vzorec za nadaljnji dialog med obema.


azijske filozofije;epistemologija;zen budizem;praznina;magistrska dela;Nishida;Kitaro;1870-1945;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [T. Peternell]
UDC: 244.82:165(043.2)
COBISS: 168082179 Link will open in a new window
Views: 29
Downloads: 2
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Development of Zen Thought in Japan or the Journey From Emptiness to Absolute Nothingness
Secondary abstract: In the past several decades Nishida's thought has become well grounded in the world of philosophy, but is barely represented in the Slovenian scientific field. This present work represents the first attempt of a broader presentation and introduction of the philosopher's fundamental concepts and ideas in our linguistic field. The work includes three phases of his development in thought, namely the philosophy of pure experience, absolute will and the place of absolute nothingness. In the transition from one to the other I shall put forth important parallels with Buddhist philosophy, which will become most evident in the mahāyāna tradition, namely in the schools yogācāra, madhyamaka and zen. I will also draw relevant connections and divisions of his thought with epistemology, empiricism, metaphysics and German classical philosophy. The central aim of my research will be to demonstrate how the author sucessfully kept the arduous balance between Buddhism and Eurocentric philosophy. I will claim that the first represents the formative background and main potential of his thought and that the second represents its content upon the construction of which the first may actualise itself in the terms of theoretical discourse in hopes of uncovering a pattern in their dynamic, which would in turn contribute to the further dialogue of both.
Secondary keywords: Asian philosophies;epistemology;Zen Buddhism;emptiness;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za filozofijo
Pages: 54 str.
ID: 20086239