magistrsko delo
Nika Gasparič (Author), Andrej Kohont (Mentor)


Uvajanje je usposabljanje in predajanje znanja novo zaposlenim z namenom razvoja in uspešnega samostojnega izvajanja, da organizaciji čim prej začnejo koristiti s samostojnim izvajanjem svojih nalog. Je postopek, ki traja od pol do enega leta in se začne že pred samim prihodom zaposlenega. Vanj je vpletenih veliko ljudi, glavno vlogo pa igrajo kadrovska služba, vodja, mentor in »buddy«. Vsak od njih ima svojo nalogo, s katero prispeva k celovitemu in uspešnemu usposabljanju novo zaposlenega. Dobro izvedeno uvajanje pa ima veliko prednosti tudi za zaposlene. Zaposleni prej razvije potrebne spretnosti in kompetence, s katerimi si ustvarja vrednost v podjetju, njegova motivacija je višja, pri svojem delu je samozavesten, razširi si znanje, prisotno je večje zadovoljstvo in s tem tudi boljša delovna izkušnja. Vse to vpliva tudi na to, da je zaposleni ob vseh doseženih kriterijih podjetju veliko bolj pripaden. Zaposlenim je zelo pomembno, da je uvajalni postopek v podjetju korektno izveden in da čutijo oporo, ki jo potrebujejo predvsem v začetnih dneh, da imajo nekoga, na kogar se lahko obrnejo. V podjetju Danfoss Trata, d. o. o., je ta oseba »buddy«, ki v veliko primerih zaposlenim lahko nudi samo neformalno pomoč, ki ni eksplicitno vezana na njihove delovne naloge, zato je še toliko bolj pomembno, da vodja pripravi uvajalni plan in osebo, ki bo zaposlenega uvajala za samo delo. Če uvajanje ni izvedeno, kot je potrebno in se izkaže za neuspešno, se lahko posledice le-tega odražajo na uspešnosti podjetja, času in vloženemu denarju, prav tako pa tudi v slabi volji in nezadovoljstvu zaposlenega.


uvajanje;Danfoss Trata;d. o. o.;buddy;mentor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [N. Gasparič]
UDC: 005.3(043.2)
COBISS: 169268227 Link will open in a new window
Views: 27
Downloads: 4
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Onboarding of new emoployees in the company Danofss Trata, d. o. o.
Secondary abstract: Induction is the training and transfer of knowledge to new employees with the aim of development and successful independent implementation so that they start benefiting the organization as soon as possible by independently performing their tasks. It is a process that lasts from half a year to a year and begins even before the arrival of the employee. There is a lot of people involved in the process, the most important ones are HR department, manager, mentor and buddy. Each of them has their own task with which they contribute to the comprehensive and as successful as possible training of the new employee. A well executed induction has many advantages for employees as well. The employee develops the necessary skills and competences with which he creates value in the company, his motivation is higher, he is confident in his work, he expands his knowledge base, there is greater satisfaction and thus also a better work experience. All this also affects the fact that the employee, when all the criteria are met, belongs to the company much more. It is very important for employees that the induction process in the company is concretely implemented and that they feel the support they need, especially in the initial days, that they have someone they can turn to. In the company Danfoss Trata, d. o. o., the person is a »buddy«. »Buddy« can only provide employees with informal help that is not explicitly linked to their work tasks so it is all the more important that the manager prepares an induction plan and a person who will also introduce the employee to the work itself. If the implementation is not carried out as necessary and turns out to be unsuccessful, the consequences can be reflected in the success of the company, the time and money invested, as well as in the bad mood and dissatisfaction of the employee.
Secondary keywords: onboarding;Danfoss Trata;d.o.o.;buddy;mentor;Sociologija organizacije;Upravljanje;Zaposleni;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 71 str.
ID: 20253370
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