"predlog ureditve osrednjega javnega prostora v Portorožu, z idejno zasnovo alternativne tipologije hotelskega kompleksa"
Lev Rahovsky (Author), Tomaž Krušec (Mentor)


Meja med počitkom in delom postaja vse bolj zabrisana. Lokacija in čas dela postajata vse bolj fleksibilna, tako je tudi s prostorom in časom počitka. Pojavlja se nov tip “turista”, ki na počitnicah niti ne počiva niti ni popolnoma v službi. S tem se življenjski slog turista približa domačinu, ločnica med njima pa se zabriše. Razvojni potencial se iz obalnega pasu premika v zaledje. Obstoječa turistična infrastruktura v Portorožu, zgrajena med letoma 1960 in 1970, se na te spremembe ne zmore odzivati. V nalogi zato predlagam novo turistično infrastrukturo na primeru zasnove hotelskega kompleksa, katerega osrednji prostor postane odprt javni trg, ki ga poimenujem Trg neskončnih počitnic.


magistrske naloge;arhitektura;javni prostor;trgi;turizem;prosti čas;delo;Portorož;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FA - Faculty of Architecture
Publisher: [L. Rahovsky Šuligoj]
UDC: 711.4:338.48(497.4Portorož)(043.2)
COBISS: 171704323 Link will open in a new window
Views: 36
Downloads: 8
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Proposal for the central public space in Portorož, with the conceptual design of an alternativetypology of the hotel complex.
Secondary abstract: The division between rest and work is becoming increasingly blurred. The location and time of work is becoming more and more flexible, as is the space and time of rest. A new type of “tourist” is emerging, who neither rests on vacation nor is fully at work. This brings the lifestyle of the tourist closer to that of the locals, thus blurring the line between them. The development potential is moving from the coastal zone to the hinterland. The existing tourist infrastructure in Portoroz, built in the 1960s and 1970s, cannot respond to these changes. In the master thesis, therefore, I propose a new tourist infrastructure on the example of a hotel complex, the central space of which becomes an open public square, which I call the Square of Permanent Vacation.
Secondary keywords: work;free time;tourism;Portorož;square;public space;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za arhitekturo
Pages: 241 str., [9] zganj. pril.
ID: 20551852
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