magistrsko delo
Nataša Ržek (Author), Polona Filipič (Mentor), Primož Hočevar (Co-mentor)


Kranjsko Goro, vas Rateče in Planico že od nekdaj povezuje šport. Predvsem zimski športi. V Ratečah so prvo tekmovanje v teku na smučeh organizirali že leta 1926. Zimska športna evforija se je kmalu prelevila v športni center Planica kjer je do nedavnega kraljevala naječja smučarska letalnica na svetu. V Planici je bilo organizirano prvo svetovno prvenstvo v smučarskih skokih na svetu. V Planici sta bila postavljena 2 največja svetovna rekorda v zgodovini smučarskih skokov: prvi polet preko magičnih 100 m in prvi polet preko 200 m. Ni dvoma da sta Planica in njej najbližje naselje Rateče globoko povezana z športno tradicijo. Kljub temu na območju primankuje ustrezne podporne infrastrukture za profesionalne športnike. Poleg prostora za trening namreč potrebujejo tudi regeneracijo in sprostitev, ki sta prav tako pomembna kot sam trening. Z novim športno-regeneracijskim centrom želim vzpostaviti vrzel med obstoječimi vrhunskimi poligoni za šport ter manjkajočim programom za vrhunske športnike. Lokacija projekta se nahaja na neurejenm območju na jugu Rateč, s čimer se območje uredi in doda novo krožno pot. Lokacija ima odlične povezave, ne samo za motorna vozila temveč tudi za tekače, pešce in kolesarje saj se nahaja ob eni najpopularnejših kolesarskih poteh, ki poteka po trasi nekdanje železnice Jesenice-Trbiž.


magistrske naloge;arhitektura;športni centri;športna regeneracija;alpska krajina;Rateče;Planica;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FA - Faculty of Architecture
Publisher: [N. Ržek]
UDC: 725.84(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 173201923 Link will open in a new window
Views: 56
Downloads: 18
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Conceptual design of Sport and regeneration centre Rateče
Secondary abstract: Kranjska Gora, the village of Rateče, and Planica have always been connected by sports, especially winter sports. The first cross-country skiing competition in Rateče was organized as early as 1926. The winter sports euphoria soon transformed into the sports center of Planica, where the largest ski flying hill in the world reigned until recently. The first World Championship in ski jumping was organized in Planica. Two of the biggest world records in the history of ski jumping were set in Planica: the first jump over the magical 100 meters and the first jump over 200 meters. There is no doubt that Planica and its nearest settlement, Rateče, are deeply connected to sports tradition. However, the area lacks adequate supporting infrastructure for professional athletes. Besides training facilities, they also need regeneration and relaxation, which are equally important as training itself. With the new sports and regeneration center, I aim to bridge the gap between existing top-level sports facilities and the missing program for elite athletes. The project’s location is situated in an undeveloped area in the south of Rateče, thereby improving and adding a new circular path to the area. The location has excellent connections, not only for motor vehicles but also for runners, pedestrians, and cyclists, as it is located along one of the most popular cycling routes, following the former Jesenice-Trbiž railway.
Secondary keywords: Rateče;Planica;architecture;Alpine landscape;sports center;sports regeneration.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za arhitekturo
Pages: 127 str.
ID: 20552085
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