magistrsko delo
Petra Ofentavšek (Author), Robert Masten (Mentor)


Uporaba psiholoških intervenc kot dopolnilnih metod v sklopu rehabilitacije po miokardnem infarktu je zaradi naraščajočih dokazov o njihovih pozitivnih učinkih vse pogostejša. Kot posebej učinkovita se je v raziskavah pokazala metoda vodene vizualizacije. V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti učinkovitost vodene vizualizacije na izločanje oksitocina, HRV-parametre in razpoloženjska afektivna stanja (psihološko blagostanje, depresivnost, anksioznost in stres). Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali na izločanje oksitocina vplivajo pacientova pričakovanja o izidu terapije, zaznani stres in izraženost empatije. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 20 udeležencev, ki so doživeli miokardni infarkt. Razdeljeni so bili v eksperimentalno in kontrolno skupino. Udeleženci eksperimentalne skupine so štiri tedne vsakodnevno izvajali tehniko vodene vizualizacije. Za ugotavljanje vpliva vizualizacije na izločanje oksitocina smo udeležencem na prvem in zadnjem srečanju odvzeli dva vzorca sline pred izvedbo vodene vizualizacije in po njej. Med izvedbo vizualizacije so udeleženci s pomočjo mobilne apliakcije merili tudi HRV-parametre. Za ugotavljanje učinkov vizualizacije znotraj eksperimentalne skupine smo uporabili t-test za dva odvisna vzorca in Wilcoxonov test, za primerjanje učinkov med skupinama pa smo uporabili t-test za dva neodvisna vzorca in Mann-Whitneyev U test. Za ugotavljanje vplivov empatije, pričakovanj o izidu in zaznanega stresa na izločanje oksitocina udeležencev v eksperimentalni skupini smo uporabili regresijsko analizo. Rezultati so pokazali pomemben vpliv vizualizacije na znižanje negativnih afektivnih stanj, pri ostalih spremenljivkah pa so nakazovali v smeri pričakovane, a statistično nepomembne spremembe. Ugotovitve raziskave lahko pripomorejo k bolj celostni psihofiziološki obravnavi pacientov po miokardnem infarktu, služijo pa lahko tudi kot podlaga za morebiten razvoj neinvazivnega postinfarktnega zdravljenja z oksitocinom.


vizualizacija;oksitocin;miokardni infarkt;spremenljivost srčnega utripa;čustvena stanja;magistrska dela;Vprašalnik pozitivne in negativne emocionalnosti PANAS;Lestvica pozitivnega duševnega zdravja PMH;Vprašalnik depresivnosti, anksioznosti in stresa DASS 21;Lestvica anksioznosti kot stanja STAI X-1;Lestvica anksioznosti kot poteze STAI X-2;Lestvica pozitivnih in negativnih izkušenj SPANE;Lestvica zaznanega stresa PSS;Indeks medosebne odzivnosti IRI;Stanfordska lestvica pacientovih pričakovanj o izidu zdravljenja SETS;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [P. Ofentavšek]
UDC: 159.97:616.127-005.8(043.2)
COBISS: 173748739 Link will open in a new window
Views: 57
Downloads: 13
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Effect of mental imagery on oxytocin secretion in patients after myocardial infarction
Secondary abstract: The use of psychological interventions as complementary methods in the rehabilitation process following myocardial infarction is increasing due to growing evidence of their positive effects. Research emphasizes the effects of guided imagery. In this study, we wanted to determine the effects of guided imagery on oxytocin secretion, HRV parameters and affective mood states (psychological well-being, depression, anxiety and stress). We also wanted to examine whether the patient's outcome expectations, perceived stress and empathy influenced oxytocin secretion. In the study, we included 20 participants who suffered myocardial infarction and were divided into the experimental or control group. Participants from the experimental group practiced the method of guided imagery every day for 4 weeks. To assess the effect of guided imagery on oxytocin secretion, saliva samples were collected from participants at the time of the first and last session before and after the practice of guided imagery. During guided imagery, participants also measured HRV parameters using a mobile application. To assess the effect of guided imagery on oxytocin secretion within the experimental groups, we used the t-test for two dependent samples and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. To compare the effects between groups, we used the t-test for two independent samples and the Mann-Whitney U test. To examine the effect of outcome expectations, empathy and perceived stress on oxytocin secretion in the experimental group, we conducted the regression analysis. The results showed a significant effect of guided imagery on reducing negative affect states, while it showed that the trends of changes in other measured variables are in the expected direction but are not statistically significant. These findings can contribute to a more comprehensive psychophysiological approach to treat patients after myocardial infarction and may serve as a basis for potential development of a non-invasive postinfarct treatment using oxytocin.
Secondary keywords: imagery;oxytocin;myocardial infarctions;heart rate variability;emotional states;masters theses;The positive and negative affect schedule PANAS;Positive mental health scale PMH;Depression, anxiety and stress scale DASS 21;State trait anxiety inventory STAI X-1;State trait anxiety inventory STAI X-2;Scale of positive and negative experience SPANE;Perceived stress scale PSS;Interpersonal reactivity index IRI;Stanford expectations of treatment scale SETS;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: 58 str.
ID: 20579841