The paper presents an efficient way to evaluate and determine the quality of an assembled printed circuit board coming off the production line. A printed circuit board assembly consists of electronic devices soldered to the printed circuit board, which provides the electrical connections. After assembling the printed circuit board, a function test needs to be performed to guarantee the quality of the product. Usually, the assembly lines are equipped with cameras that detect inaccuracies such as missing components. This level of quality assurance is sometimes not enough, and we need to add another degree of precaution. In addition to camera inspections, electronic measurements must be conducted. The process needs to be automated to provide repeatability and speed. The paper evaluates such a device and presents its advantages, disadvantages, and complexity. The device includes an electrical part that performs the measurements, a mechanical part that consists of a housing and a mounting nest, and a program that supervises the process.
electrical measurement;printed circuit board;testing device;automation;intelligent measuring system;
Language: |
English |
Year of publishing: |
2022 |
Typology: |
1.01 - Original Scientific Article |
Organization: |
UM FE - Faculty of Energetics |
Publisher: |
Fakulteta za energetiko Univerze v Mariboru |
UDC: |
621.319.71:005.336.3 |
1855-5748 |
Views: |
8 |
Downloads: |
0 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
Slovenian |
Secondary title: |
Merilna naprava za preizkušanje tiskanih vezij iz proizvodnje |
Secondary abstract: |
Raziskovalno delo predstavi efektiven način ocenjevanja in določanja kakovosti tiskanih vezij iz proizvodnih linij. Sestavljeno tiskano vezje zagotavlja električno povezavo prispojenim elektronskim komponentam. Po sestavi tiskanega vezja je potrebno izvesti funkcionalen preizkus, ki zagotavlja kakovost izdelka. Proizvodnje linije so ponavadi opremljene z inšpekcijskimi kamerami, ki odkrivajo nepravilnosti, kot so manjkajoče komponente. Vendar takšen način zagotavljanja kakovosti v nekaterih primerih ni zadosten, zato je potrebna dodatna raven nadzora. Poleg inšpekcij s kamerami je potrebno izvesti tudi električne meritve. Proces teh meritev mora biti avtomatiziran za zagotovljanje njegove ponovljivosti in hitrejše izvedbe. Raziskovalno delo ovrednoti pomen takšne naprave, predstavi njene prednosti in slabosti ter kompleksnost. Naprava obsega elektronski del, ki izvaja meritve, mehanski del, ki obsega ohišje in vpenjalno mesto, ter program, ki nadzira proces. |
Secondary keywords: |
električne meritve;tiskana vezja;testna naprava;avtomatizacija;inteligentno merilni sistem; |
Type (COBISS): |
Scientific work |
Pages: |
str. 65-74 |
Volume: |
ǂVol. ǂ15 |
Issue: |
ǂno. ǂ3 |
Chronology: |
nov. 2022 |
ID: |
20605137 |