diplomsko delo
Jasmina Adrović (Author), Veronika Tašner (Mentor)


V zgodovini človeštva je bil velik del življenja prežet z vero oziroma različnimi religijami. Vera je ljudem v preteklosti predstavljala veliko več, kot si lahko mislimo. Ob neobstoječi znanosti so postale določene zgodbe ključnega pomena za razlago narave. Večina nekdanjih religij danes ne obstaja, od teh so nekatere izumrle skupaj z ljudstvi, druge pa zaradi novih religij. V starejših religijah je prevladoval politeizem, danes so najbolj razširjene monoteistične religije. Tudi danes vera spremlja nemalo število ljudi in je za nekatere ključnega pomena za dobro življenje. V diplomskem delu preizprašujemo problematiko odnosa med vero in religijo ter vzgojno-izobraževalnimi ustanovami. Konkretno nas zanima krščanska religija, njen pomen, vpliv na družbo in vključenost v vzgojno-izobraževalni proces. V teoretičnem delu s pomočjo različnih avtorjev opišemo krščanstvo kot primer najbolj razširjene vere v Sloveniji in njene komponente. Pojasnimo pojem laične šole in njeno pomembnost v Sloveniji. Ugotovimo, v kolikšni meri je prisoten krščanski vpliv v ostalih evropskih državah, in to primerjamo s Slovenijo. Sprašujemo o pomenu verouka za moralni razvoj otroka in o moralnosti religijskih ustanov. Odgovorimo na vprašanje, katera ideologija bolj podpira človekove pravice – država ali cerkev. V empiričnem delu raziščemo prisotnost verskega vpliva v javnem vrtcu in mnenje vzgojiteljic o dani tematiki. Pogovor opravimo z vsemi vzgojiteljicami manjšega vrtca v Ljubljani, njihove rezultate interpretiramo in jih primerjamo. Zanima nas, ali se v vrtcu lotijo verskih tem, kako to obravnavajo in kakšno mnenje imajo o prisotnosti te tematike v javnih vrtcih.




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [J. Andrović]
UDC: 37:2(043.2)
COBISS: 173015043 Link will open in a new window
Views: 11
Downloads: 2
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Religion and educational institutions
Secondary abstract: In the history of mankind, a large part of human life is imbued with religion or different religions. At one point religion represented much more to people than we can even imagine. At the time of unexplored science, certain stories have become crucial to the interpretation of nature. Most of the former religions do not exist today, some of them died out with the people, others were forgotten because of new religions. In older religions, polytheism prevailed, today monotheistic religions are the most widespread. Even today, religion accompanies a big number of people and for some it is crucial for a good life. In diploma thesis, we examine the issue of the relationship between faith and religion and educational institutions. We are specifically interested in the Christian religion, its meaning, impact on society and involvement in the educational process. In the theoretical part, with the help of various authors, we describe Christianity as an example of the most widespread religion in Slovenia and its components. We familiarize with the concept of a lay school and its importance in Slovenia. We find out to what extent the Christian influence is present in other European countries and compare it with Slovenia. We question the importance of religious education for the moral development of a child and about the morality of religious institutions. We answer the question which ideology supports human rights more - the state or the Church. In the empirical work, we investigated the presence of religious influence in public kindergartens and the opinion of educators on the given topic. We interviewed all teachers of a small kindergarten in Ljubljana, interpreted their results and compared them. We were interested in whether they deal with religious topics in kindergarten, how they deal with it and their opinion about the presence of the topic in public kindergartens.
Secondary keywords: faith;church;christianity;laity;morality;Religija;Šole;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (50 str.))
DOI: 20.500.12556/RUL-152293
ID: 21049408