magistrsko delo
Tjaša Turk (Author), Darja Boršič (Mentor)


V luči staranja prebivalstva in pojavu temu pripadajočih sprememb ter izzivov, pomembno vprašanje postaja tudi vprašanje (ne)vzdržnosti pokojninskih sistemov. Nepriljubljenost ukrepa zviševanja zakonsko določene upokojitvene starosti, je v namen doseganja vzdržnosti pokojninskih sistemov povečala relevantnost spodbujanja delovne aktivnosti po upokojitvi, na področju katere, ima Slovenija, glede na relativno nizko stopnjo zaposlenosti starejših, veliko možnosti za razvoj. Medtem ko, ekonomske teorije ponudbe dela upokojenih posameznikov, (ne)naklonjenost delovni aktivnosti po upokojitvi pripisujejo finančnim dejavnikom, natančneje predvsem višini pokojninskih prejemkov, druge teorije poudarjajo pomen socioloških ter psiholoških dejavnikov. Konsistentno empirične raziskave na področju dejavnikov delovne aktivnosti po upokojitvi v večini primerov sicer vključujejo finančne dejavnike ter hipoteze oblikujejo v skladu z ekonomsko teorijo, ki implicira nižjo verjetnost delovne aktivnosti po upokojitvi za premožnejše posameznike, vendar dodatno vključujejo tudi druge dejavnike, kot so karakteristike dela, makroekonomske dejavnike ter demografske značilnosti posameznikov, v sklopu katerih se izpostavlja predvsem pomen starosti, zdravja, zakonskega stanu, spola ter izobrazbe. V empiričnem sklopu magistrskega dela smo tako s pomočjo logistične regresije na podlagi sekundarnih, presečnih podatkov za 2.025 upokojenih posameznikov iz Slovenije, želeli identificirati demografske in socialno-ekonomske dejavnike, ki imajo statistično značilen vpliv na verjetnost opravljanja plačanega dela po upokojitvi, pri čemer je diferenciacija posameznikov na podlagi spola ter izobrazbe, omogočala tudi identifikacijo specifik pri odločitvah o delovni aktivnosti po upokojitvi. Ugotavljamo, da delovna aktivnosti po upokojitvi v Sloveniji ni rezultat finančnih potreb upokojencev, kot je to pogosto sugerirano s strani empiričnih raziskav, pri čemer lahko višjo verjetnost delovne aktivnosti premožnejših upokojencev povežemo predvsem s pozitivnim vplivom izobrazbe, kar izpostavlja relevantnost socioloških in psiholoških teorij ponudbe dela. V kontekstu razlik med spoloma medtem velja izpostaviti statistično značilen vpliv izobrazbe na verjetnost delovne aktivnosti upokojenih žensk, medtem ko je diferenciacija na podlagi izobraženosti posameznikov izpostavila razlike v pomenu demografskih dejavnikov pri odločitvah o opravljanju plačanega dela po upokojitvi.


upokojitev;delovna aktivnost;izobrazba;starost;logistična regresija;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: T. Turk
UDC: 331.2-057.75
COBISS: 181475843 Link will open in a new window
Views: 29
Downloads: 3
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Factors of post-retirement labour force participation in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: In the light of an aging population and the associated changes and challenges, a notable concern that has arisen is that of the (un)sustainability of pension systems. The unpopularity of raising the statutory retirement age as a way of achieving sustainability of the pension system, has increased the relevance of promoting post-retirement employment, an area in which Slovenia holds ample opportunities for further development, given the relatively low employment rate among older individuals. While economic theories of labour supply among retired individuals (dis)preference towards post-retirement employment attribute to financial factors, specifically the level of pension benefits other theories emphasise the importance of sociological and psychological factors. Consistently, empirical research on factors of post-retirement employment generally includes financial factors and formulates hypotheses in line with economic theory, which implies a lower likelihood of post-retirement employment for wealthier individuals, additionally also include other factors, such as work characteristics, macroeconomic factors and demographic characteristics of individuals, which have been shown to be particularly important in the context of age, health, marital status, gender and education. In the empirical part of this Master's thesis, we used logistic regression based on secondary, cross-sectional data for 2,025 retired individuals in Slovenia, to identify demographic and socio-economic factors that have a statistically significant impact on the probability of engaging in paid work after retirement. Differentiation of individuals based on gender and education enabled the identification of specificities in decisions regarding post-retirement employment. Our findings indicate that post-retirement employment in Slovenia is not primarily driven by retirees' financial needs, as often suggested by empirical research. Instead, the higher likelihood of work activity among wealthier retirees can be largely attributed to the positive influence of education, which highlights the relevance of sociological and psychological theories of pensioners’ labour supply. In the context of gender differentiation, it is important to highlight the statistically significant impact of education on the likelihood of work activity among retired women. Meanwhile, categorising individuals based on education, stresses the differential role that demographic factors play in the decision to work post-retirement.
Secondary keywords: retirement;post-retirement employment;education;age;logistic regression;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (II, 110 str., 12 str. pril.))
ID: 21079680
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