diplomsko delo
Nejc Kuri (Author), Maja Prevolnik (Mentor), Janko Skok (Co-mentor)


Obogatitev okolja je ena od metod, ki se uporablja za ublažitev agresije pri odstavitvi mladih pujskov, ki običajno izbruhne, ko jih mešamo iz neznanih gnezd, ter negativno vpliva na rastnost in dobro počutje pujskov. V diplomskem delu smo preizkusili preprost pristop s povečanjem količine obstoječih obogatitvenih predmetov za ublažitev agresije po odstavitvi. V vsaki od 10 ponovitev (5 kontrolnih, 5 testnih) smo v odstavitveni boks skupaj odstavili 3 ali 4 gnezda. V kontrolni skupini smo za obogatitev uporabili en viseč plastični predmet rdeče barve in en kos smrekovega lesa. Pri testu je bila obogatitev pomnožena glede na število odstavljenih gnezd. Med poskusom smo spremljali parametre agresije (grizenje repov, poškodbe/rane, šepavost) in pogostost pojavljanja različnih vrst interakcij (pozitivne, negativne, ukvarjanje z opremo/predmeti za zaposlitev), in sicer 1., 3., 5., 7., 14. in 21. dan po odstavitvi. Na koncu poskusa (21. dan po odstavitvi) smo ocenili še splošno stopnjo dobrega počutja pujskov z uporabo protokola Welafre Quality®. V testni skupini smo zabeležili 4-kratno povečanje ukvarjanja pujskov s predmeti za zaposlitev. Posledično je bilo 5-krat manj negativnih interakcij in 50 % manj šepanja in ran/poškodb na telesu, vključno z znaki grizenja repov. Tudi splošna stopnja počutja pujskov je bila višja v testni skupini. Uporabljena obogatitev boksa, prilagojena številu odstavljenih gnezd, se je izkazala za učinkovit način izboljšanja dobrega počutja odstavljenih pujskov.


pujski;odstavitev;zaposlitveni material;igrače;dobro počutje živali;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture
Publisher: [N. Kuri]
UDC: 636.4.082.35/.083.1(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 179693059 Link will open in a new window
Views: 32
Downloads: 1
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The effect of adding enrichment objects on the welfare of weaning piglets
Secondary abstract: Pen enrichment is a method of reducing post-weaning aggression that commonly occurs when piglets from unknown litters are mixed and is known to have a negative effect on piglet growth and welfare. In our study, a simple approach to reduce post-weaning aggression was tested by increasing the amount of enrichment objects present. In each of the 10 replicates (5 controls, 5 tests), 3 or 4 litters were weaned together in a weaning pen. In the control group, a hanging red plastic object and a piece of spruce wood were used as the pen enrichment. In the test group, the enrichment was multiplied by the number of litters weaned. During the experiment, the aggression parameters (tail biting, injuries/wounds, lameness) and the frequency of different types of interactions (positive, negative, preoccupation with equipment and enrichment objects) were monitored on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 and 21. At the end of the experiment (day 21 post-weaning), an overall assessment of the piglets’ welfare was carried out using the Welfare Quality® protocol. In the test group, we recorded a 4-fold increase in occupation with enrichment objects. As a result, there were 5 times fewer negative interactions and 50% less lameness and wounds/injuries on the body, including signs of tail biting. The overall welfare status of the piglets was also better in the test group. Pen enrichment tailored to the number of weaned litters proved to be an effective means of improving the welfare of weaned piglets.
Secondary keywords: piglets;weaning;enrichment material;toys;animal welfare;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kmetijstvo in biosistemske vede
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (V, 31 str., [11] str. pril.))
ID: 21206015