magistrsko delo
Haris Hajrlahović (Author), Barbara Novosel (Mentor), Simon Schnabl (Thesis defence commission member), Gabriela Kalčíková (Thesis defence commission member), Mitja Kolar (Co-mentor)


S tem magistrskim delom smo s pomočjo pregleda literature ugotavljali škodljive učinke izbranih težkih kovin ter nato, po opravljenih meritvah v potoku Drtijščica, testu strupenosti na malo vodno lečo ter meritvah celotnega organskega ogljika (TOC), ocenili njihov potencialni negativni vpliv na zdravje okoliškega prebivalstva in okolja. V površinskemu vodotoku Drtijščice v Moravčah smo odvzeli vzorce na šestih odvzemnih mestih, na katerih smo vzorce predhodno vzeli še v letu 2020 in 2021 (diplomsko in raziskovalno delo). Opravili smo tri vzorčevanja v razmaku približno 3 mesecev. V vzorcih smo, kar se tiče težkih kovin, določali vsebnost arzena, kadmija, kobalta, kroma, bakra, molibdena, niklja, svinca, selena in cinka, dodatno pa smo še določali vrednost celotnega organskega ogljika. Za določanje vsebnosti kovin smo uporabili analitsko metodo ICP-OES. Vzorce pa smo še dodatno testirali s testom strupenosti za malo vodno lečo (Lemna minor). Rezultate smo primerjali z meritvami, ki smo jih opravili v letih 2020 in 2021, mejnimi vrednostmi iz veljavne slovenske zakonodaje ter s podatki Agencije za okolje (ARSO) za druge, podobne vodotoke. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima Drtijščica nizko vsebnost težkih kovin, mejne vrednosti za dobro kemijsko stanje so bile presežene le pri arzenu. Test strupenosti za malo vodno lečo ni pokazal nobenih znakov, da so vzorci površinske vode slabi za uspevanje te rastline, specifična hitrost rasti je znašala med najmanj 0,14 dan-1 ter največ 0,24 dan-1. Vrednosti izmerjenega TOC so bile prav tako v mejah normal; v povprečju na odvzemno mesto med 3,85 mg/L in 5,57 mg/L. Bistvenih razlik med odvzemnimi mesti ni. V primerjavi s stanjem primerljivega vodotoka Mlinščice so bile v tem izmerjene nižje koncentracije težkih kovin. Glede na dobljene rezultate lahko zaključimo, da je stanje vodotoka Drtijščice dobro in izpolnjuje pogoje za dobro kemijsko in ekološko stanje ter ne predstavlja nevarnosti za okoliško prebivalstvo, živali, rastline ali širše okolje.


mala vodna leča;vplivi na zdravje;optična emisijska spektrometrija;induktivno sklopljena plazma;ICP-OES;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
Publisher: [H. Hajrlahović]
UDC: 543.423:546.3:628.113(043.2)
COBISS: 177491203 Link will open in a new window
Views: 31
Downloads: 6
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Determination of selected heavy metals and other chemichal parametres in surface water of Drtijščica stream and assessment of their effects on human health
Secondary abstract: In this master's thesis, we conducted a review of the literature to assess the harmful effects of selected heavy metals. Subsequently, after conducting measurements in the Drtijščica watercourse, performing a toxicity test on the common duckweed (Lemna minor), and measuring total organic carbon (TOC), we evaluated their negative impact on the health of the surrounding population and the environment. Samples were collected from six sampling points along the Drtijščica watercourse in Moravče, where samples had also been collected in 2020 and 2021 (in our previous diploma thesis and research work). Three sampling campaigns were conducted at approximately 3-month intervals. In the samples, we analyzed the content of arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, molybdenum, nickel, lead, selenium, and zinc in terms of heavy metals. Additionally, we determined the total organic carbon (TOC) content. The analytical method used for metal content determination was ICP-OES. Furthermore, we conducted toxicity testing on Lemna minor. The results were compared with measurements from 2020 and 2021, the limit values specified in Slovenian legislation and data from the Environmental Agency of Slovenia (ARSO) for other similar watercourses. The results indicated that Drtijščica has a low content of heavy metals; only arsenic exceeded the threshold values for good chemical status. The toxicity test on Lemna minor did not indicate any signs that the surface water samples are detrimental to the growth of this plant; the specific growth rate ranged from a minimum of 0,14 day-1 to a maximum of 0,24 day-1. The measured TOC values were also within normal limits, averaging between 3,85 mg/L and 5,57 mg/L. There were no significant differences between the sampling sites. In comparison with the state of a comparable watercourse, Mlinščica, lower concentrations of heavy metals were measured in Drtijščica. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that the condition of the Drtijščica watercourse is good and meets the criteria for good chemical and ecological status, posing no threat to the surrounding population, animals, plants, or the broader environment.
Secondary keywords: surface water;heavy metals;duckweed;health effects;ICP-OES;Površinske vode;Težke kovine;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000378
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, smer Tehniška varnost
Pages: XII, 84 f.
ID: 21493001