Martina Planinc (Author), Janez Rus (Author), Milena Kovač (Author), Špela Malovrh (Author)


V naši raziskavi smo pri konjih haflinške pasme v Sloveniji za lastnosti zunanjosti ocenjevali komponente (ko)varianc. V podatkovni zbirki je bilo skupaj 3371 živali, od tega smo jih v raziskavo vključili 600 (15 žrebcev in 585kobil). Živali, ki smo jih vključili v analizo, so imele zapise desetih ocenin/ali devetih meritev ter znanega vsaj enega od staršev. Model je za vse ocenjene in izmerjene lastnosti vseboval leto ocenjevanja in/ali merjenja kot sistematski vpliv in naključni vpliv živali. Uporabili smo metodo omejene največje zanesljivosti (REML) v programu VCE. Pozitivno definitne matrike smo dobili s pomočjo postopka, ki se imenuje ukrivljanje matrik (ang. bending). Za ocenjene lastnosti so znašale heritabilitete od 0,40 za prednji del trupa do 0,78 za pasemsko značilnost. Heritabilitete za izmerjene lastnosti so se gibale med 0,20 za globino prsi in 0,62 za višino vihra, merjeno s palico. Genetske korelacije so bile v večini pozitivne. Najvišja genetska korelacija pri ocenjenih lastnostih je 0,92 med skupno oceno in zadnjim delom trupa. Med oceno pasemske značilnosti in oceno prednjih nog korelacije ni bilo. Pri izmerjenih lastnostih so bile genetske korelacije ocenjene od 0,38 med dolino trupa in obsegom prsi do 0,95 med višino vihra, merjeno s palico in višino vihra, merjeno s trakom.


konji;pasme;haflinška pasma;haflinger;lastnosti zunanjosti;selekcija;genetski parametri;Slovenija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: Biotehniška fakulteta
UDC: 636.1
COBISS: 2793608 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1581-9175
Parent publication: Acta agriculturae Slovenica
Views: 1408
Downloads: 313
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Estimation of dispersion parameters for linear type traits in the Haflinger horses
Secondary abstract: The covariance components for exterior traits were estimated on Haflinger horses in Slovenia. There were 3371 data included in the database. Data from 600 animals (15 stallions and 585 mares) with known pedigree were analysed. For each horse, at most ten traits were scored and nine traits were measured. The fixed part of the model included only the year when horse was scored or measured and animal was treated as random effect. Genetic and environmental parameters for exterior traits were estimated by the restricted maximum likelihood method (REML) as implemented in the program package VCE. To make matrices positive definite we used a statistic method commonly known as "bending". Heritabilities for the scored traits were estimated between 0.40 for front body part and 0.78 for the breed type. For measured traits the heritabilities were between 0.20 for chest depth and 0.62 for withers height (measuring stick). Genetic corelations were in most cases positive. The highest genetic corelation for scored traits was 0.92 between total score and rear body part. There was no corelation betwen breed type and front legs. Genetic corelations for measured traits were from 0.38 between body lenght and chest size to 0.95 betwen withers hight measured with stick and measured with tape.
Secondary keywords: horses;breeds;Haflinger;exterior traits;selection;genetic parameters;Slovenia;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 117-125
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ96
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2010
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;agriculture and related sciences and techniques;forestry;farming;wildlife exploitation;kmetijstvo ter sorodne vede in tehnologije;animal husbandry and breeding in general;livestock rearing;breeding of domestic animals;živinoreja na splošno;vzreja domačih živali;domestic equines;horses;domači konji;
ID: 21571
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