magistrsko delo
Teja Glavan (Author), Tomaž Petek (Mentor)


Okolje, v katerem živimo in odraščamo, ima velik vpliv na naše življenje. Otroci si svojega življenjskega okolja ne morejo izbirati, zato je toliko pomembneje, da je to vzpodbudno za odkrivanje in rast njihovih potencialov. Besedni zaklad odraža našo osebnost, saj z njim izražamo svoje misli, stališča in odnos do sveta. S širjenjem obsega besednega zaklada se širi naša razgledanost, ki je temeljna vrednota sodobne družbe. Ključno je, da otroci oblikujejo čim obsežnejši besedni zaklad, hkrati pa ga morajo znati tudi uporabljati in z njegovo pomočjo dosegati zastavljene cilje. Besedni zaklad izpopolnjujemo vse življenje, vendar je vseeno ključno obdobje v zgodnjih letih našega življenja. Pomemben je za vsa področja otrokovega delovanja – od kognitivnega pa vse do emocionalnega in motoričnega. Ključni faktor je tudi pri socialnem razvoju, saj se z njegovo pomočjo vključuje v družbo in jo poskuša razumeti. Otroci svoj besedni zaklad najhitreje in najučinkovitejše širijo z branjem knjig. Sprva posegajo po slikanicah, ki jih pritegnejo zaradi ilustracij. Te imajo velik pomen pri pripovedovanju, še posebej če je to slikanica brez besedila, saj se celotna zgodba odvija preko ilustracij. Otroci potrebujejo dober zgled, da lahko tudi sami tvorijo dobro in kakovostno pripovedno besedilo. Zgled jim morajo predstavljati pomembni odrasli, to so starši, stari starši, pa tudi iz šolskega okolja, v katerega so vključeni vzgojitelji, učitelji in drugi pedagoški delavci. V našem življenju nas spremljajo veliki prehodi in eden izmed njih je tudi prestop v osnovno šolo, kar je za otroke lahko velik zalogaj. V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali, kakšen pomen ima okolje (podeželje/mesto) na učenčev besedni zaklad pri pripovedovanju ob slikanicah brez besedila v 1. razredu osnovne šole. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 45 učencev 1. razreda, 22 s podeželske šole in 23 z mestne. S pomočjo vnaprej sestavljenega formularja smo dobili vpogled v učenčev besedni zaklad in ugotovili, kakšen vpliv ima nanj okolje. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kakšen pomen ima kraj šolanja (mesto oziroma podeželje) pri besednem zakladu, samostojnosti in fluentnosti pri pripovedovanju ob slikanici brez besedila. Ugotovili smo, da so med podeželsko in mestno šolo med učenci v 1. razredu osnovne šole pojavljajo razlike v besednem zakladu pri pripovedovanju ob slikanici brez besedila. Rezultati so pokazali, da na podeželski šoli učenci v povedih uporabljajo več besed, uporabljajo več povedi v pripovedi in pogosteje uporabljajo zapletene večstavčne povedi kakor mestni otroci. Mestni otroci v pripovedih govorijo bolj knjižno kakor podeželski otroci. Razlike se pojavljajo tudi med posameznima spoloma, saj so npr. na podeželski šoli samostojnejši dečki, na mestni pa deklice. S spoznanji iz pridobljenih rezultatov in literature želimo učitelje, vzgojitelje in tudi starše motivirati za nadgrajevanje otrokovega besednega zaklada in jih seznaniti s pomenom okolja, katerega del so tudi oni sami.


besedni zaklad;pripovedovanje;slikanice brez besedila;okolje;govor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Glavan]
UDC: 808.543:37(043.2)
COBISS: 178922243 Link will open in a new window
Views: 13
Downloads: 2
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Influence of the environment (rural/urban) on pupils' vocabulary in storytelling with picture books without text in grade 1
Secondary abstract: The environment in which we live and grow up has a great influence on our lives. Children cannot choose their living environment, so it is even more important that it encourages the discovery and growth of their potential. Vocabulary reflects our personality, as we use it to express our thoughts, attitudes, and attitude towards the world. By expanding the range of vocabulary, our knowledge expands, which is a fundamental value of modern society. The key is for children to form as extensive a vocabulary as possible, but at the same time they must also be able to use it and achieve the set goals with its help. We improve our vocabulary throughout our lives, but it is still a crucial period in the early years of our lives. It is important for all areas of a child's activity - from cognitive to emotional and motorical. It is also a key factor in social development, because with its help one is included in society and tries to understand it. Children expand their vocabulary the fastest and most effectively by reading books. At first, they reach for picture books, which they are drawn to because of the illustrations. These are of great importance in storytelling, especially if it is a wordless picture book, as the entire story unfolds through illustrations. Children need a good example so that they can create a good and high-quality narrative text themselves. Important adults, as parents, grandparents, as well as adults from the school environment, teachers, and other pedagogical workers, must set an example for them. Big transitions accompany us in our lives, and one of them is the transition to elementary school, which can be a big deal for children. In the master's thesis, we investigated the importance of the environment (countryside/city) on the student's vocabulary when narrating with wordless picture books in the 1st grade of elementary school. 45 1st grade students, 22 from a rural school and 23 from a city school, were included in the research. With the help of a form compiled in advance, we got an insight into the student's vocabulary and found out what influence the environment has on it. The aim of the research was to find out what significance the place of schooling (city or countryside) has on vocabulary, independence and fluency when narrating a picture book without text. The research showed that there are differences between rural and urban schools in the vocabulary of students in the 1st grade of primary school when narrating a wordless picture book. The results showed that in the rural school, students use more words in sentences, use more sentences in the narrative and use complex multi-sentence sentences more often than urban children. In the stories, city children speak more literary than rural children. Differences also occur between individual genders, at the rural school, boys are more independent, and at the city school, girls. With the knowledge gained from the obtained results and the literature, we want to motivate teachers, educators, and parents to upgrade their children's vocabulary and familiarize them with the importance of the environment, they are also a part of.
Secondary keywords: vocabulary;storytelling;wordless picture books;environment;speech;Besedišče;Otroci;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje, Poučevanje na razredni stopnji z angleščino
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (80 str.))
DOI: 20.500.12556/RUL-153366
ID: 21950134