diplomsko delo
Uvod: Amputacije zgornjega uda predstavljajo 3 % populacije oseb z amputacijo in povzročijo oslabljene tako motorične kot senzorične funkcije. Zato je poleg povrnitve funkcije pomembna tudi povrnitev somatosenzorične informacije. Povrnitev se opravlja z invazivno – kirurško vstavitvijo vmesnikov neposredno v določen predel živca za stimulacijo ali neinvazivno somatosenzorično povratno informacijo – vibrotaktilna, mehanotaktilna, elektrotaktilna in temperaturna povratna informacija. Namen: Namen je pregledati strokovno in znanstveno literaturo ter analizirati somatosenzorično povratno informacijo pri protezah zgornjega uda, kaj je, kako deluje, opisati same značilnosti sistemov in opisati končno učinkovitost teh protez. Dodatno opredeliti vpliv, prednosti, pomanjkljivosti in napredke protez zgornjega uda s somatosenzorično povratno informacijo. Metode dela: Opravili smo pregled strokovne in znanstvene literature v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku v iskalnikih PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct in DiKUL. Uporabljen je bil enovit iskalni niz: (upper limb OR upper extremity) AND (prosthetics OR prosthesis OR prostheses OR artificial) AND (somatosensory feedback OR sensory feedback). Rezultati: Pregledali smo 16 člankov, pri katerih so bile meritve večinoma kvantitativne narave. Kvalitativne metode raziskovanja z vprašalniki so bile vključene v sedem raziskav. V raziskave je bilo vključeno različno število preiskovancev od enega do 32. Ti so bili zdravi posamezniki brez amputacije ali posamezniki z amputacijo različnih nivojev zgornjega uda. Raziskave so trajale različno dolgo od nekaj ur do najdaljše šest mesecev trajajoče. Večkrat je bila v raziskavo vključena neinvazivna (10) somatosenzorična povratna informacija kot invazivna (6), največkrat proučena pa elektrotaktilna (5) neinvazivna somatosenzorična povratna informacija. Razprava in zaključek: Roka je pomembno človekovo orodje za manipulacijo s predmeti, komunikacijo in ustvarjanje. Z amputacijo so naravne motorične in senzorične funkcije zamenjane z določenimi obsegi gibanja in pogojene z izbiro komponent proteze. Ravno zato je povrnitev somatosenzorične informacije tako pomembna. Pripomore k boljši motorični kontroli proteze, k bolj naravnemu gibanju zgornjega uda, omogoči občutek utelešenja proteze, povrne bolj naravno dojemanje občutkov ob dovedeni stimulaciji, lahko zmanjša prisotno fantomsko bolečino. Vendar pa ne nujno pozitivno vpliva na estetskost proteze ter lahko doda težo in kompleksnost izvedbi proteze zgornjega uda. A vseeno že splošno poveča zaupanje v protezo, čeprav je še veliko prostora za napredek na področju izvedb sistemov s somatosenzorično povratno informacijo.
diplomska dela;ortotika in protetika;zgornja ekstremiteta;propriocepcija;invazivne metode;neinvazivne metode;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL ZF - University College of Health Studies |
Publisher: |
[Z. Jagodic] |
UDC: |
617.3 |
Views: |
74 |
Downloads: |
13 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Upper limb prosthesis with somatosensory feedback |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: Upper limb amputations account for 3% of the amputee population and cause impairment of both motor and sensory functions. In addition to restoring function, it is also important to restore somatosensory information. Recovery is performed by invasive-surgical insertion of interfaces directly into a specific nerve compartment for stimulation or non-invasive somatosensory feedback - vibrotactile, mechanotactile, electrotactile and temperature feedback applied on skin of the stump. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to review the scientific literature and analyse somatosensory feedback in upper limb prostheses, what it is, how it works, describing the characteristics of the systems and further defining the impact, advantages, disadvantages and advances of upper limb prostheses with somatosensory feedback. Methods: A review of the peer-reviewed and scientific literature in English and Slovenian language was performed in PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct and DiKUL. A single search was used – (upper limb OR upper extremity) AND (prosthetics OR prosthesis OR prostheses OR prostheses OR artificial) AND (somatosensory feedback OR sensory feedback). Results: Reviewing 16 articles, the measurements were mostly quantitative, when seven studies used qualitative research method. Generally, involving varying numbers of subjects from one to 32, who were healthy individuals without amputation or with amputation on different levels of upper limb. The duration of the studies varied from a few hours to a maximum of six months. Non-invasive (10) somatosensory feedback was included more often than invasive (6), and electrotactile (5) non-invasive somatosensory feedback was the most frequently studied. Discussion and conclusion: The hand is an important human tool for object manipulation and communication. With amputation, natural motor and sensory functions are replaced by specific ranges of motion and the choice of prosthesis components. This is why the restoration of somatosensory information is so important. It contributes to better motor control of the prosthesis, to a more natural movement of the upper limb. Additionally, it allows a sense of embodiment of the prosthesis, restores a more natural perception of sensations and can reduce the phantom pain. However, it does not necessarily have a positive effect on the aesthetics of the prosthesis and may add weight and complexity to the design of the upper limb prosthesis. Nevertheless, it increases overall confidence of prosthetic user, although there is still room for improvement. |
Secondary keywords: |
diploma theses;orthotics and prosthetics;upper extremity;proprioception;invasive methods;non-invasive methods; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko |
Pages: |
52 str. |
ID: |
21976043 |