master thesis No.: 294/II. GR-BIM


V industriji AEC posledice neučinkovite izmenjave informacij odmevajo med projekti, vplivajo na časovne načrte, proračune in splošno kakovost, zato so potrebne rešitve za opredelitev predvidljivih in zanesljivih procesov dostave podatkov. Ta raziskava ocenjuje uporabo storitev Web3 v kombinaciji z delovnimi tokovi Open BIM za izmenjavo informacij v kontekstu pametnih konstrukcij. Ključna referenca za to delo je evropski projekt BUILDCHAIN, ki si prizadeva ustvariti vrhunsko tržnico, ki omogoča akterjem v sektorju AEC, da delijo svoje ponudbe, certifikate kakovosti in poverilnice. Na ta način ta raziskava raziskuje napredne funkcije, kot je integracija med zbirkami NFT (nezamenljivih žetonov), DID (decentralizirani identifikatorji) in IDS (specifikacija dostave informacij), ki pridobivajo podatke iz modelov IFC. Izvedba teh integracij lahko nudi mehanizme za podporo vzpostavitvi informacijske potrebe, za zagotavljanje ustrezne količine podatkov ustreznim akterjem in za potrjevanje dostave, kar zagotavlja avtomatizacijo in zaupanje v gradbene procese. Študija bo potekala v štirih metodoloških korakih: (1) najsodobnejša analiza s ciljem zbrati zahteve in strukturirati osnove za ustvarjanje konceptualne zasnove za decentraliziran trg gradbenih storitev; (2) podrobna zasnova rešitve za določen primer uporabe, ki poudarja podatkovni model aplikacije in tehnološko široko sliko; (3) implementacija in predstavitev zaledja in sprednjega dela decentralizirane aplikacije z uporabo Reacta, Internet Computer Blockchain in IFC.js; (4) ocena uporabnosti v gradbeni praksi in dodana vrednost BUILDCHAIN. Rezultat preiskave je spletna aplikacija za tržnico NFT, kjer lahko naročniki dodelijo storitve izvajalcem, pri čemer določijo pregledne zahteve, storitvam pa je mogoče slediti prek sistemov ugleda. Zato so rezultati, načrtovani s tem razvojem, zagotoviti večjo preglednost postopka razpisa z decentralizacijo informacij, pravilno slediti dejavnostim, povezanim z življenjskimi cikli zgradbe, in vzpostaviti delovne tokove za definiranje informacijskih zahtev in skladnost s standardom ISO19650 za primere uporabe BUILDCHAIN, ki temeljijo na decentraliziranih tehnologijah.


civil engineering;master thesis;BIM;IDS;Self-Sovereign Identity;DID;NFT;Blockchain;ISO19650;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [G. Pereira de Carvalho Veloso]
UDC: 004.774:69.055(043.3)
COBISS: 178827267 Link will open in a new window
Views: 144
Downloads: 20
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Storitve Web3 za izmenjavo informacij na gradbišču
Secondary abstract: In the AEC Industry, the repercussions of inefficient information exchange reverberate across projects, impacting timelines, budgets, and overall quality, thus, solutions to define predictable and reliable data delivery processes are needed. This research evaluates the use of Web3 services combined with Open BIM workflows for information exchange in the context of Smart Constructions. A key reference for this work is the European Project BUILDCHAIN, which aspires to create a cutting-edge marketplace that allows AEC sector actors to share their offerings, quality certificates, and credentials. In this way, this research explores advanced features such as the integration between NFT (non-fungible token) collections, DIDs (Decentralized Identifiers), and IDS (Information Delivery Specification) obtaining data from IFC Models. The execution of these integrations can offer mechanisms to support the establishment of information needs, supply the appropriate amount of data to the appropriate actors, and validate the delivery, ensuring automation and trust in the construction processes. The study will proceed in four methodological steps: (1) state-of-the-art analysis with the objective of gathering requirements and structuring the bases to generate a conceptual design for a decentralized marketplace for construction services; (2) detailed design of the solution for the specific use case, highlighting the data model of the application and the technological big picture; (3) implementation and demonstration of the Back end and Front end of the Decentralized App using React, Internet Computer Blockchain and IFC.js; (4) usability assessment in construction practice and value added to the BUILDCHAIN. The outcome of the investigation is a web application for an NFT Marketplace where Clients can assign services to Contractors, establishing transparent requirements, and the services can be tracked through reputation systems. Therefore, the results aimed with this development are to provide more transparency for Tendering process through the decentralization of information, properly track activities linked to building life cycles, and, establish workflows for defining information requirements and ISO19650 compliance to the BUILDCHAIN use cases relying on decentralized technologies.
Secondary keywords: gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;GR;BIM;IDS;samostojna suverena identiteta;DID;NFT;Blockchain;ISO19650;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 75 str.
ID: 22264507
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