master thesis No.: 293/II. GR-BIM
Sheyanu Odeyemi (Author), Tomo Cerovšek (Mentor)


Informacijsko modeliranje zgradb (BIM) je z digitalno predstavitvijo fizičnih elementov zgradb temeljito spremenilo gradbeno industrijo. Kljub transformativnemu potencialu so glavne ovire za boljše sodelovanje težave, ki so povezane z interoperabilnostjo med platformami za modeliranje arhitekture in gradbenih konstrukcij. Zato preučujemo interoperabilnost med okolji BIM s poudarkom na oceni učinkovitosti dvosmernih povezav, ki temeljijo na IFC (angl. Industry Foundation Classes). Namen te raziskave je izdelati presojo interoperabilnosti med modeli arhitekture in gradbenih konstrukcij ter vpliv na učinkovitost projektiranja, modeliranja in analiz z uporabo BIM. Za doseganje teh ciljev smo uporabili metodologijo, ki vključuje podrobno analizo avtorskih okolij BIM in orodij za modeliranje končnih elementov (FEM) z razvojem in uporabo praktičnega delotoka na realnih projektih. Aplikativno preučujemo interoperabilnost med platformamo Autodesk Revit ter platformo za račun konstrukcij ProtaStructure z dodatkom ProtaBIM, ki omogoča dvosmerne povezave na osnovi IFC. Z raziskavo želimo prispevati k boljšemu razumevanju interoperabilnosti in izboljšati sodelovanje med arhitekturno in gradbeno stroko ter povečati učinkovitost dela z BIM, ter ob tem zmanjšati obseg napak, zamud in stroškov, kar je pomembno za projektante in druge deležnike projektov. Rezultati raziskave prispevajo k analizi in razvoju IFC ter utirajo pot prihodnjim pobudam raziskovalcev in razvijalcev orodij BIM, ki želijo izboljšati interoperabilnost med okolji BIM.


civil engineering;master thesis;BIM;Building Information Modelling (BIM);Interoperability;Bi-directional link;Industry Foundation Classes (IFC);Autodesk Revit;ProtaStructure;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [S. Odeyemi]
UDC: 69-5:721-028.7(043.3)
COBISS: 178821379 Link will open in a new window
Views: 63
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Dvosmerna interoperabilnost med arhitekturnim in konstrukcijskim BIM za učinkovito konstrukcijsko projektiranje in analizo
Secondary abstract: Building Information Modelling (BIM) has revolutionized the construction industry's digital representation of physical building elements. Despite the transformative potential, the main obstacles to better collaboration are issues related to interoperability between architectural and structural modelling platforms. Therefore, we study interoperability between BIM environments with an emphasis on the analysis of the effectiveness of bi-directional links based on IFC (Industry Foundation Classes). The purpose of this research is to assess the interoperability between architectural and structural models and the related impact on the effectiveness of design, modelling, and analysis using BIM. To achieve these goals, the methodology used includes a detailed analysis of the capabilities of BIM environments and Finite Element Modelling (FEM) which are tested using practical workflow on reallife projects. The study evaluates the interoperability between the Autodesk Revit (BIM) and the ProtaStructure (FEM) platforms with the ProtaBIM add-on and IFC, which enables two-way connections. This research contributes to a better understanding of interoperability and aims to improve the cooperation between the architectural and construction professions by increasing the efficiency of work with BIM, and at the same time, aiming to reduce the scope of errors, delays, and costs. The results are important for designers and other project stakeholders, as well as contribute to the analysis and development of IFC which pave the way to future initiatives by researchers and BIM software developers with the goal of improving interoperability between professions.
Secondary keywords: gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;GR;BIM;informacijsko modeliranje zgradb (BIM);temeljni razredi za industrijo (IFC);dvosmerne povezave;Revit;Prota Structure;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XV, 96 str.
ID: 22264510