diplomsko delo
Tina Grabner (Author), Cecilija Lebar (Reviewer), Nevenka Gričar (Mentor), Silva Bajde (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Otroci z motnjami v duševnem razvoju imajo vseživljenjske motnje, ki vplivajo na skoraj vsa področja njihovega delovanja. Eno izmed teh področij je tudi komunikacija. Težave na področju komunikacije lahko privedejo do tega, da ti otroci začnejo prevzemati pasivno vlogo v življenju, kar lahko posledično privede tudi do neželenega vedenja. Delovni terapevti in logopedi lahko s svojimi znanji, izkušnjami, kompetencami in medsebojnim sodelovanjem vplivajo na izboljšanje otrokovih komunikacijskih veščin. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je raziskati, kakšne izzive prinaša komunikacija z otroki z motnjami v duševnem razvoju ter na kakšen način lahko otroka spodbudimo in podpremo pri izražanju njegovih želja, misli in interesov. Osvetliti in poudariti želimo pomen interdisciplinarnega sodelovanja delovnega terapevta in logopeda pri tem. Metode dela: Izvedena je bila kvalitativna raziskava. Izvedli smo štiri polstrukturirane, individualne intervjuje. Vzorec je bil namenski. Intervjuje smo izvedli z dvema delovnima terapevtkama in dvema logopedinjama. Kriterija za vključitev udeležencev v raziskavo sta bila, da ima udeleženec izkušnje z delom in komunikacijo z otroki z MDR in opravlja poklic delovnega terapevta ali logopeda. Pridobljene podatke smo analizirali s kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo. Rezultati: Rezultate raziskave smo predstavili v štirih tematskih sklopih: komunikacija z otroki z motnjami v duševnem razvoju, spodbujanje komunikacije otrok z motnjami v duševnem razvoju, sodelovanje delovnih terapevtov in logopedov ter vpliv spodbujanja komunikacije na vsakdanje življenje otrok z motnjami v duševnem razvoju. Razprava in zaključek: Delovni terapevti in logopedi se pri svojem delu z otroki z motnjami v duševnem razvoju srečujejo s kar nekaj izzivi, ki jih uspešno rešujejo. Pri svojem delu uporabljajo veliko strategij in pripomočkov, ki jih uporabljajo na podlagi pridobljenega znanja in izkušenj. Medsebojno sodelovanje delovnih terapevtov in logopedov je smiselno, saj ima vsak veliko znanja na svojem področju, skupaj pa lahko to znanje in izkušnje uporabijo v dobrobit uporabnika. O tem bi se bilo smiselno še več pogovarjati na fakultetah, da bi bilo na samem delovnem mestu lažje vstopiti v stik s strokovnjaki z drugih področij.


diplomska dela;delovna terapija;osebe s posebnimi potrebami;sporazumevanje;kvalitativna raziskava;logopedija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [T. Grabner]
UDC: 615.851
COBISS: 181850627 Link will open in a new window
Views: 45
Downloads: 13
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Promoting communication within children with intellectual disabilities
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Children with intellectual disabilities have lifelong disabilities that affect almost all areas of their functioning. One of these areas is communication. Communication problems can lead to them taking a passive role in life, which can subsequently lead to aggression and inappropriate behavior. Occupational therapists and speech therapists can use their knowledge, experience, competences, and mutual cooperation to improve children’s communication skills. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to explore the challenges of communicating with children with intellectual disabilities and how we can encourage and support them to express and emphasize the importance of interprofessional cooperation between occupational therapists and speech therapists. Methods: Qualitative research was used. We conducted four semi-structured, individual interviews. The sample was purposive. We interviewed two occupational therapists and two speech therapists. Based on the data obtained from the interviews, we made a qualitative content analysis. Results: The results of the research are presented in four themes: communication with children with intellectual disabilities, promoting communication with children with intellectual disabilities, interprofessional cooperation between occupational therapists and speech therapists in promoting communication, and the impact of promoting communication on everyday life of children with intellectual disabilities. Discussion and conclusion: Occupational therapists and speech therapists face a number of challenges in their work with children with intellectual disabilities, which they successfully solve. They use many strategies and tools in their work, based on the knowledge and experience they have gained. The interaction between occupational therapists and speech therapists makes sense, as each has a lot of knowledge in their field, and together they can use this knowledge and experience for the benefit of the user. It would be useful to discuss this at universities so that it would be easier to get in touch with experts from other fields in the workplace.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;occupational therapy;people with special needs;interaction;qualitative research;speech therapy;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za delovno terapijo
Pages: 33 str., [5] str. pril.
ID: 22503394