
Teritorialne kolektivne blagovne znamke so vedno pogosteje orodje razvoja in trženja podeželskih upravljanih destinacij z jasno vizijo prihodnosti, podkrepljeno s strateškimi razvojnimi in trženjskimi cilji, ukrepi in aktivnostmi. Celovito povezani deležniki z namenom ustvarjanja visokokakovostne ponudbe območja gradijo prepoznavno lokalno dodano vrednost gastronomije destinacije. Mnogi avtorji izpostavljajo, da ciljne skupine domačih in mednarodnih obiskovalcev, predvsem sodobni ljubitelji hrane, tako imenovani foodies, vedno bolj iščejo in cenijo tovrstna prizadevanja. Centri kakovosti z organiziranimi kratkimi lokalnimi dobavnimi verigami, usposabljanji in svetovanji strokovnih institucij ter z digitalno trženjsko-prodajno-logistično tehnologijo prinašajo sinergične učinke vsem vključenim deležnikom destinacije. Pomembno je, da se vsak deležnik na poti od njive do krožnika in še dlje, vse do vodenega gastronomskega doživetja in prireditve ter doživetega bivanja v avtentičnih nastanitvenih kapacitetah, posveča le delu celovitega doživetja % lastnemu prispevku v verigi destinacijske zgodbe % in prispeva k visoki kakovosti lokalno dodane vrednosti končnemu gastronomskemu doživetju. Več kot deset teritorialnih kolektivnih blagovnih znamk, vzpostavljenih po modelu 'Izvorno slovensko', sledi opisanemu pristopu in s tem prispeva k vedno večji prepoznavnosti Slovenije kot zelene, aktivne in zdrave destinacije, ki pritegne z raznovrstno gastronomsko ponudbo tudi zahtevne raziskovalce gastronomije.


teritorialne kolektivne blagovne znamke;model 'Izvorno slovensko';kratke lokalne verige;destinacijske management;marketing organizacije;lokalno dodana vrednost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
Publisher: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba
UDC: 338.48
COBISS: 55803395 Link will open in a new window
Views: 47
Downloads: 1
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Territorial collective brands established according to the authentic from slovenia model
Secondary abstract: Territorial collective brands are becoming a tool for the development and marketing of rural destinations with a clear vision of the future, underpinned by strategic development and marketing objectives, measures and activities. Connected stakeholders, in order to create a high quality offer of the area, build a recognizable added value of the destination's gastronomy. Many authors point out that the target groups of domestic and international visitors, especially modern food lovers, so-called foodies are increasingly appreciating this kind of effort. Quality centers with organized short local supply chains, training and consulting of professional institutions and digital marketingsales-logistics technology, bring synergistic effects to all involved stakeholders of the destination. It is important that each stakeholder, on the way from the field to the table and beyond - to a guided gastronomic experience, , dedicates only part of the overall experience - their own contribution to the destination story and value to the ultimate gastronomic experience. More than ten territorial collective brands established according to the "Authentic from Slovenia Model" follow the described approach and thus contribute to the growing recognition of Slovenia as a green, active and healthy destination, which attracts demanding food researchers.
Secondary keywords: territorial collective brands;authentic from Slovenia model;short local supply chains;DMMO;local added value;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: Str. 113-143
Chronology: 2021
ID: 22530068