
Background. The development of spiral computed tomography (CT) introduced a more precise imaging of the vessels also with computed tomographic angiography(CTA). Because it is a minimaly invasive method, it was widely accepted by radiologists and clinicians. In early 90ties CTA also accompanied conventional angiography and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) in imaging of intracranial vascular diseases. CTA is used for the detection and evaluation of intracranial aneurysms, vascular malformations, stenoocclusive diseases of intracranial arteries and pathological changes of venous sinuses. Comparing to conventional angiography as the "gold standard", CTA has high specificity, sensibility and diagnostic accuracy concerning detections of intracranial aneurysms. Regarding vascular malformations, CTA is used for diagnostics and pre and postopeative evaluation of it. CTA can show good results in imaging of venous angiomas, and so invasive conventional angiography can be avoided in this pathology. Stenosis and occlusions of arteries can be diagnosed and evaluated in patients with cerebral vasospasm, patients with acute stroke, and patients with chronical arterial stenoses and occlusions. CTA is useful for the demonstration of occusive and stenosing changes of intracranial venous sinuses. Conclusion. With CTA it is possible togenerate threedimensional reconstructed images which give a more accurate determination of anatomical relations in intracranial vascular diseases. The main disadventage of CTA in comparison to intraarterial angiography is the lower spatial resolution of CTA, but is constantly imprving with the development of better scanners and workstations, so that there are great possibilities for further deveopement and wider use of CTA in the diagnosis ofintracranial vascaular diseases.


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Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: OI - Institute of Oncology
Publisher: Slovenian Medical Association - Slovenian Association of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine Society, Slovenian Society far Radiotherapy and Oncology, and Slovenian Cancer Society
UDC: 616.1
COBISS: 11710425 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-2099
Views: 11
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: [Rančunalniško tomografska angiografija pri intrakranialnih žilnih boleznih]
Secondary abstract: Izhodišča. Uvedba spiralnega načina računalniško tomografskega slikanja je omogočila natančnejši prikaz žilja tudi z računalniško tomografsko angiografijo (CTA). Ker je metoda minimalno invazivna, so jo hitro sprejeli radiologi in kliniki. V začetku devetdesetih let se je tudi na področju nevroradioloških preiskav intrakranialnih žilnih bolezni CTA pridružila konvencionalni intraarterijski angiografiji in magnetnoresonančni angiografiji(MRA). CTA uporabljamo v okviru odkrivanja in evaluacije intrakranialnih anevrizem, žilnih malformacij, stenozantnih in okluzivnih bolezni intrakranialnih arterij in patoloških procesov na venskih sinusih. Priodkrivanju intrakranialnih anevrizem ima CTA v primerjavi z konvencionalno intraarterijsko angiografijo - kot zlatim standardom - visoko občutljivost, specifičnost in diagnostično zanesljivost. Na področju žilnih malformacij je CTA uporabna pri odkrivanju in pri pred- in pooperativni evaluaciji arteriovenskih malformacij. S CTA lahko dobro prikažemo venske angiome in se tako izognemo bolj invazivni konvencionalni angiografiji. Stenozantne in okluzivne spremembe intrakranialnih arterij lahko odkrijemo in natančneje opredelimo pri bolnikih z vazospazmom intrakranialnih arterij, pri bolnikih, ki imajo akutno možgansko kap, in pri bolnikih s kroničnimi stenozantnimi in okluzivnimi spremembami intrakranialnih arterij. Zaključki. CTA je zanesljiva metoda v diagnostiki okluzivnih in stenozantnih sprememb venskih sinusov. CT angiografiji daje dodatno vrednost možnost ustvarjanja tridimenzionalnih rekonstrukcij, ki omogočajo lažjo oceno anatomskih odnosov pri intrakranialnihžilnih boleznih. Slabša resolucija glede na konvencionalno angiografijo je poglavitna slabost CTA, s posodabljanjem spiralne račulaniške tomografije in delovnih postaj pa se povečuje, tako da ima CTA velike možnostirazvoja in vse širše uporabe na področju intrakranilanih žilnih bolezni.
Secondary keywords: Cerebrovascular disorders;Tomography, X-ray computed;Cerebral angiography;Sensitivity and specificity;Hemangioma;Cerebral arteriovenous malformations;Arterial occlusive diseases;Cerebral aneurysm;Cerebral ischemia, transient;Sinus thrombosis;
Source comment: BSDOCID53023;
Pages: str. 123-136
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ34
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2000
ID: 22583502
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