Tomaž Kunst (Author), Pavel Berden (Author)


Background. The introduction of helical CT scanners in combination with simultaneous opacification of vessels with contrast medium allows the demonstration of vessels within the chosen volume of interest. This examination is called CT angiography. Being a minimally invasive method, it has been quickly accepted in the spectrum of vessel-imaging modalities, as forexample: Doppler ultrasound, magnetic resonance angiography, transesophageal ultrasound etc. In the field of cardiovascular radiology, it has been used to demonstrate pathology of ascending and descending aorta, likethe aneurysms, dissection, traumatic rupture or congenital anomalies. It is also very useful in pre- and postoperative follow-up in the aortic stent-graft insertion, a method which has recently become popular. Also the CTangiography has greatly influenced the preoperative calculations and has clearly demonstrated the postoperative anatomical changes as well as complications (i.e. peristental leakage). Conclusions. In this context, it is comparable to intraarterial angiography and even offers some advantages over the latter. The only draw-back being somewhat lower spatial resolution and longer processing time, but with the advent of a new, so called multi-slice scanners and powerful workstations, these draw-backs will be minimized.


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Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.02 - Review Article
Organization: OI - Institute of Oncology
Publisher: Slovenian Medical Association - Slovenian Association of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine Society, Slovenian Society far Radiotherapy and Oncology, and Slovenian Cancer Society
UDC: 616.1
COBISS: 11710681 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-2099
Views: 16
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: [Računalniškotomografska angiografija]
Secondary abstract: Izhodišča. Uporabo špiralnega CT skenerja v kombinaciji z žilnim kontrastnim medijem imenujemo računalniškotomografska angiografija (CT angiografija). Ker je metoda minimalno invazivna, je bila hitro sprejeta v slikovno diagnostiko, podobno kot Dopplerjev ultrazvok, angiografija z magnetno resonanco, transezofagealni ultrazvok itd. Na področju kardiovaskularne radiologije CT angiografijo uporabljamo predvsem za diagnosticiranje patoloških sprememb ascendentne in descendentne aorte, kot so anevrizma, disekcija, travmatska ruptura ali kongenitalne anomalije. Zelo koristno jo uporabljamo tudi pred- inpooperativno kot preiskavo pri vzstavitvi žilne endoproteze v aorto. Tako v zadnjih letih preiskava močno vpliva na predoperativne odločitve, po posegu pajasno kaže postoperativne anatomske spremembe in tudi zaplete. Zaključki. CTangiografija je v tem kontekstu primerljiva z intraarterialno angiografijo in ima celo nekatere prednosti. Edina pomanjkljivost je nekoliko slabša prostorska ločljivost in daljši čas procesiranja, vendar lahko s posebnimi skenerji z več žarkovnimi snopi (multi-slice skenerji) in zmogljivejšimi delovnimi postajami omenjeno pomanjkljivost močno zmanjšamo.
Secondary keywords: Aortic diseases;Radiography;Vascular diseases;Tomography, X-ray computed;Follow-up studies;Postoperative complications;Aorta, thoracic;Pulmonary circulation;Renal artery;Patient selection;
Source comment: BSDOCID53024;
Pages: str. 137-143
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ34
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: 2000
ID: 22583503
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