
Moščanščina ima dolge in kratke naglašene samoglasnike in zložni r: dolgi so v knjižnem jeziku akutirani, kratki pa cirkumflektirani. Poleg tega so kratki naglašeni samoglasniki še n, á in a na enozložnicah (v knjižnem jeziku so to kračine), v moščanščini prav tako, poleg tega pa so še tretjeumični primeri. Nenaglašeni samoglasniki so samo kratki, vsi knjižni naglašeni o-ji pa so v moščanščini postali u-ji. Naglašeni polglasnik se glasi n, nenaglašeni pa i (ta drugi zamenjuje tudi nekdanja naglašena m in ü. Moščanski naglas je samo jakostni, bil pa je pred tem tonemski. Poenostavljeno so nekdanji akuti sedaj dolžine, cirkumfleksi kračine, nekdanje kračine so kračine; v oblikoglasju pa ima moščanščina precej svojih rešitev.


slovenščina;slovenska narečja;glasoslovje;naglas;moščanski govor;Mostec;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.16 - Independent Scientific Component Part or a Chapter in a Monograph
Organization: UL - University of Ljubljana
UDC: 811.163.6'282(497.4Mostec)
COBISS: 64878434 Link will open in a new window
Views: 49
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Mostec dialect has long and short stressed vowels and a syllabic r: in the standard language the long ones have the acute accent, the short ones the circumflex accent. There are also the short stressed syllables n, á and a in monosyllables (in the standard language these are short accented vowels), and words where the stress has shifted to the left. Unstressed vowels are all short, while all the standard stressed o sounds have in the Mostec dialect become u. The stressed semi-vowel is pronounced n, the unstressed i (the latter replaces the former stressed m and ü). The Mostec accent is now only dynamic, while before it was tonemic. In brief, vowels that formerly had the acute accent are now long vowels and those with the circumflex accent are now short vowels, while former short vowels have remained so; in its morpho-phonology the dialect has quite a few of its own solutions.
Secondary keywords: Slovene language;Slovene dialects;phonetics;stress;speech of Mostec;Mostec;
Pages: Str. 101-108
ID: 22824540
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